ochk88 发表于 2011-3-10 23:55

惡夢挑戰 - The Knightmare Knights

本帖最后由 ochk88 于 2011-3-10 23:59 编辑

在BIOWARE有人提出以惡夢難度進行一周目, 想分享給大家大部分文字用GOOGLE翻譯, 自己再作點修改, 希望大家遊戲快樂!:D

1) Where can I join this fine band of Guy and Lady Hawkes?

Here: http://social.bioware.com/group/3833

2) Why on earth would I start on the hardest difficulty?

- Nightmare Difficulty unlocks Friendly-Fire, which adds a new level of skill to battles.Spells that bathe an area in fire will burn you and your allies just as easily as the enemy.

- Playing on Nightmare will force you to move slower, and think about each fight.Inevitably, this will keep you from rushing through the game and you'll appreciate a change of scenery a lot more, and new discoveries will come at a pace were you can truly appreciate them.You'll actually enjoy pausing to take in a beautiful new location, and chat with the NPC's.
夢魘將迫使你減慢移動速度,戰鬥前都想清楚。不可避免地,這將避免你急於通過遊戲,從而欣賞, 珍惜風景的變化。你會享受暫停戰鬥,與NPC聊天的機會。

- Once you beat the game on Nightmare, lower difficulties will seem painless by comparison.Later, when you just want to experiment with different choices/dialogue options/end game saves, you'll be able to zip through the game on a lower difficulty with ease.
一旦你擊敗的夢魘難度,其他難度會顯得非常簡單。將來,當你只是想嘗試不同的選擇 /對話選項,你就可以通過降低遊戲難度,提供方便。

- Nightmare makes every gain more satisfying, and every loss more painful.Story-based decisions will actually make you sweat.The temptation to choose morally questionable options that skip difficult fights or grant powerful items will be all the stronger.The fear of what you could lose depending on the choices you make will greatly enhance immersion in the game.

- Playing at highest difficulty forces you to experiment.If a game is too easy, you can be tempted to just do what works to get by, and not explore the talent trees fully.This is even more true when something else is pressuring you to move as quickly as possible (like a gripping narrative).This makes gameplay get boring, fast.Nightmare mode helps solve this.It grabs you by the throat and says "Whoa there little fella - you gotta pay for those epic cutscenes, and this store only accepts payment in blood, sweat, or tears."

3) What do I get if I complete the challenge?
如果我完成這個挑戰, 我會得到什麼?

A sense of achievement, lasting membership into the Knightmare Knights, and a sweet signature banner (coming soon).Possibly a "Dear John" letter too, so keep tabs on your significant other's approval rating while you play.You can patch things up with gifts like a gold necklace, a painting, or an ox bone.
成就感,和加入Knightmare Knights會員。

4) What if I fail?

It's only a game, buddy.It was designed to be beaten if you use the right tools (not cheats ).Besides, even if you reach a point where you just aren't a good enough player to continue, or don't want to invest the time in improving your skills to that level, even a few hours in Nightmare will make lower difficulties easier.Combos that you discovered were quite effective in Nightmare will be devastating in Normal.Sure, I'll kick you out of the group if you lower the difficulty, but don't take it personally - what's most important is that you enjoy the game.
這只是一個遊戲,朋友。如果你使用正確的工具(不作弊)你必定能戰勝敵人。你在夢魘學習的攻擊技巧,將會令你在普通難度變得無敵,但最重要的是 - 享受你喜歡的遊戲。

5) What if I fail, but pretend I didn't so I can stay in the group and brag anyway?
如果我失敗了,但假裝我沒有, 然後留在集團炫耀呢?

I'll pity you.

Cidolfus 发表于 2011-3-11 00:02


yaosj02 发表于 2011-3-11 00:11


zb544409398 发表于 2011-3-11 00:13

我只想知道噩梦的 石头人boss怎么打 ??

pennlou 发表于 2011-3-11 00:25


jiangyilin 发表于 2011-3-11 00:37


yck26838 发表于 2011-3-11 00:52

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