r7rain 发表于 2011-3-8 16:18


本帖最后由 r7rain 于 2011-3-8 18:50 编辑

sabotage: rogues who excel at these abilities are adept at stupefying and undermining their foes.

miasmic flask: the rogue lobs an explosive flask into a group of enemies,briefly stunning them.

improved formula: miasmic flasks are now available more frequently,and the stun effect lasts longer.
改良配方: 瘅气瓶现在可以更频繁的使用(?),昏迷效果持续更长时间。

rush: the rogue rushes forward, attempting to knock down the target and all nearby enemies.
突袭: 盗贼向前冲击,尝试击倒目标及周围所有敌人。

charge: the rogue covers more ground with rush, knocking enemies down along the path.
冲锋: 盗贼的突袭影响范围扩大,击倒突袭路线上的敌人。

blitz: the rogue bowls enemies over with a rush attack that now inflicts damage.

fatiguing fog: the rogue envelops enemies in a dense fog that slows them to a near crawl.

overpowering fog: fatiguing fog becomes so oppressive that it leaves most enemies DISORIENTED, reducing their defenses and making them vulnerable to follow-up attacks from a warrior or mage.
无法抵抗的雾: 疲惫之雾变得让人更加难以忍受,使大部分敌人迷惑,降低他们的防御,并让他们更容易被战士或法师接下来的攻击所伤害。

impenetrable fog: fatiguing fog now lingers in the air and veils allies from enemy attacks.

confusion: the rogue tricks nearby enemies, causing some to fight among themselves for a short time.
混淆: 盗贼欺骗周围的敌人, 在短时间内使他们互相攻击。

chaos: confusion persists longer, and enemies who were attacking each other now leave their defenses open as well.
混乱: 混淆保持更长时间, 互相攻击的敌人不再进行自我防御。

specialist: specialists rely on precision,power,and speed to overwhelm their opponents.
specialist: specialist依赖于precision,power,speed, 去打击对方。

power: while this mode is active, the rogue throws more force into each shot or strike, hoping to stun enemies. given the speed of the rogue's attacks, the chance to stun is significant,(this mode cannot be used at the same time as precision or speed)
power: 此模式激活时,盗贼在每一次攻击中投入更多的力量,希望击晕敌人。考虑到盗贼攻击的速度,击晕的机会显著。(此模式与precision或者speed不能共存)

stunning power: while power is active, the rogue becomes even more likely to stun foes.
stunning power: 当power激活时,盗贼更易击晕敌人。

slashing power: the rogue's attacks become so forceful that opponents who are stunned by power begin to bleed, suffering additional damage for a short time.
slashing power: 盗贼的攻击变得更强有力,使被击晕的敌人流血,短时间内承受额外的伤害。

speed: while this mode is active, the rogue attacks with much greater speed.
speed: 此模式激活时,盗贼更多的以速度进行攻击。

lightning speed: while speed is active, the rogue's attacks become even quicker.
lightning speed: 当speed激活时,盗贼攻击速度变得更快。

energizing speed: while speed is active, the cooldown time of each of the rogue's talents is now reduced.
energizing speed: 当speed激活时,盗贼天赋技能的冷却时间降低。

precision: while this mode is active, the rogue focuses on accuracy in order to gain bonuses to critical hits and attack.(this mode cannot be used at the same time as speed or power)
precision: 此模式激活时,盗贼集中于精确度,为了得到暴击与和攻击的资励。

precise attack: while precision is active, the rogue's attacks are now even more likely to hit enemies.
precise attack: 当precision激活时,盗贼的攻击更容易命中敌人。

precise criticals: while precision is active, the rogue now has an even greater chance of landing a critical hit.
precise criticals: 当precision激活时,盗贼暴击的机率得到显著的提升。

harmony: while in any of the power, precision, or speed modes, the rogue gains an additional bonus from the other two.
协调: 当处于三种模式之一时,盗贼可以从另外两种模式中得到额外的资励。
subterfuge: subterfuge talents focus on tricky maneuvering and deception to gain the upper hand in battle.
诡计: subterfuge天赋用于在战斗中获得先手。

evade: the rogue leaps backward. enemies within melee range will often seek an easier target instead.
规避: 盗贼后跃。物理攻击范围内的敌人将时常寻找更简单的目标替代。

tactical withdrawal: the suddenness of the rogue's escape now frequently leaves enemies stunned.

chameleon's breath: the rogue tosses a flask that shatters in a haze of smoke, obscuring nearby allies for a short time, which means that enemy attacks are much more likely to miss them.
变色龙的呼吸: 盗贼摔碎一个瓶子,产生烟雾,短时间内让周围的伙伴隐藏,使敌人对他们的攻击更可能产生MISS。

chameleon's cloud: the rogue gains access to a more potent version of chameleon's breath that persists longer and can obscure a larger group of allies.
变色龙之云: 盗贼获得chameleon's breath更给力的版本,可以维持更长时间,覆盖更大范围的队友。

subtlety: the rogue is adept at the art of subtlety and distraction, generating significantly less threat from all attacks and abilities. as a result, enemies are far less likely to turn on the rogue.
敏锐: 盗贼擅长于敏锐与分心的艺术,所有攻击(包括技能)产生的仇恨降低,降低敌人攻击盗贼的可能。

stealth: the rogue fades from view, stalking the battlefield. enemies immediately cease attacking the stealthed rogue, although any action beyond movement will break the cover.
潜行: 盗贼消失于视野中, 潜行于战场。敌人立即停止对潜行盗贼的攻击,任何移动外的动作将中断潜行效果。

silent running: the rogue no longer suffers a movement penalty while stealthed.
无声奔跑: 盗贼潜行时不再受到移动惩罚。

camouflage: the rogue now stays hidden for longer, and dropping into stealth is less tiring。
伪装: 盗贼现在可以更长时间的保持隐身,进入潜行不容易引起疲劳。
scoundrel: rogues proficient in these dastardly talents delight in exploiting their enemies' weaknesses and controlling the flow of battle.
恶棍: 盗贼精通这些卑鄙的天赋,以利用敌人的弱点和操控战斗的走向为乐。

blindside: the rogue becomes capable of more potent attacks when engaging distracted opponents. any target not actively engaging the rogue suffers increased damage from any of the rogue's attacks.
攻击不备: 当与注意力不集中的敌人作战时,盗贼可以进行更有效的攻击。任何未做好与盗贼作战准备的目标在受到盗贼攻击时将承受更多的伤害。

twist the knife: the rogue is more concerned with victory than ensuring a fair fight. against any stunned enemy, the rogue now inflicts automatic critical hits.
揭人伤疤: 盗贼更关注于战斗的胜利而非战斗的公平。对任何陷入昏迷的敌人,盗贼给予的攻击将自动变成暴击。

back-to-back: the rogue stealths and moves to a targeted ally's side, appearing an instant later, ready to render aid.
背靠背: 盗贼潜行并移动到目标队友旁边,片刻后出现,准备给予援助。

invisible friend: when using back-to-back, the rogue now remains stealthed for a short time. this effect occurs even if the rogue has not learned the stealth talent.
看不见的朋友: 当使用背靠背时,盗贼现在在短时间内仍然保持潜行。即使盗贼没有学习潜行天赋这个效果仍然发生。

follow-through: the rogue thrives on continued momentum in combat, dashing from an attack to the next. the rogue now regains more stamina than normal from every basic attack.
冲劲: 看意思和起源中的冲劲技能一样。

armistice: the rogue distracts all enermies surrounding a single party member, drawing them away from that ally and redirecting them toward whichever ally each considers the second-greatest threat on the battlefield.
休战: 盗贼转移一个队友周围所有敌人的注意力,吸引他们将注意力转向战场上第二仇恨目标。

truce: the rogue can now use armistice more frequently, granting respite for party members who inflict significant damage but who are unable to survive enemy onslaughts.
休战协定: 盗贼现在可以更频繁的使用休战,让受到重大伤害在敌人猛攻中陷入生存绝境的队友的状况得到缓解。

goad: the rogue incites all enemies in an area into attacking a chosen ally instead of their current targets. besides simply directing foes to cluster around a particularly hardy party member, this effect complements spells or talents that provide bonuses based on the number of enemies surrounding a companion, like bravery, grave r obber, savvy, or wrath of the elvhen.
煽动: 盗贼煽动一个区域内所有敌人转移当前目标攻击选定的队友。

corral: goad now draws enemies from across a larger area toward the chosen companion.

brand: rogues are collaborators and conspirators by nature, not solo powerhouses. after the rogue selects an enemy for allies to destroy, any warriors or mages in the party become much more likely to land critical hits against the unfortunate designee.

死亡代表 发表于 2011-3-8 16:20


bycove 发表于 2011-3-8 16:21

www3523926 发表于 2011-3-8 18:38

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