**** Hidden Message *****
: Here is our crackfix, as it now enables all settings (video settings worked before, this is why we missed this in our first crack) to be saved and works no matter what version of GFWL you have installed and will never stop working because of GFWL updates. Also note that if you used our previous crack your savegames will still work with this one.
Crackfix Information:
Skidrow's quickand poor approachatmaking acrack forthisgamehas
resulted in crashes for manypeople. This is due totheir memorypatching
only working with an older version of xlive.dll. Their crack only works with
the GFWL client shipped with the game. Obviously to produce a properbefore
wehadnoticed our errorand had time to finish ourcrackfix they didn't
think about future versions of xlive working with their crack. An update was
already out,v3.4.18.0 ofthe xlive.dlland Skidrow's crackisredemeed
useless already and crashes for people with that build.Eventually everyone
will experience this crash once they do update their GFWL client as its used
system wide, not just on this game... and we doubt they keep updatingtheir
crack for each new GFWL version that comes out in the yearstocome.Even
if that is the case we don't think you want to wait forthem to do soeach
time. It would bemore or less likethem releaseing anew version ofthe
crack eachtime the Steam client was updated.
We also don't accept other groups nuking for false reasons. This isrelated
to theirclaim thatour release iscorruptingthe savedgames. Thisis
completely untrue andjustthrownintheretomake theirproperseem
justifiable. What you in Skidrow may have encounterd is thefactthatour
saves use adifferent Xuid andaren'tencryptedusingGFWL. Hencethey
disappeared from when playing with GFWL.
Here is our crackfix, asit now enables all settings (video settings worked
before, this is why we missed this in our first crack) to be saved and works
nomatter whatversion ofGFWL you haveinstalledand willneverstop
working because of GFWL updates. Also note that ifyouusedourprevious
crack your savegames will still work with this one.
Installation Information:
~ If you only installed our previousreleaseandnottheothergroup's
crackfix (did youneeditanyways?), just copy over our fixed xlive.dll
to your existing Binaries\Win32 game folder. Now your done!
~ If you replacedourrelease, orpartsofitalreadywithmentioned
crashing crack, uninstallitfirst (unless you kept backups) andrepeat
the instructions given inourmainrelease.Finally, copy/replacethe
xlive.dll from this crackfix to the Binaries\Win32 game folder asbefore.
~ Enjoy a fully working release now without any worries of getting in a bind
with future G4WL updates!
本帖最后由 greatbbk 于 2011-2-24 18:42 编辑
沙发?完美,要是连阴影、色块都能解决就好了 shao fa您的帖子长度不符合要求。 当前长度: 7 字节系统限制: 10 到 50000 字节 哦哦 期待 等。。。 我比较喜欢用FLT的,因为能用修改器.... 这个要支持的!!!!3Q!!! 完美是指什么。。。 果然發了? 多谢分享·········· 有何不同 后哦啊很好很好很好 卧槽!!!支持!!! 感谢楼主分享! 求修正说明的翻译。。。。。 :lol :lol :lol 支持支持 我比较喜欢用FLT的,因为能用修改器.... 看看情况 再做定夺~~ 好啊!!!!! 支持分享! 谢谢分享! ! 支持~~~~~~ 后哦啊很好很好很好 反正头晕,不下了 能解决色块和阴影么? 游戏还没下! 更新了摩?ddddddd 多谢分享支持~~~~~~ 看看 !~1~~!!~