liu2746 发表于 2011-2-11 17:47


本帖最后由 liu2746 于 2011-2-11 17:54 编辑

话说在TB上买了个黑K,结果被封了不能激活,老板给我找了N种方法都无效。于是乎准备退款,闲着无聊找了EA客服。流程如下,Hi, my name is Rolf. How may I help you?
Rolf: Hi !!

my english is not well

Rolf: Alright

: there is a problem by my activation code

Rolf: No worries , I'm here to help you out regarding your issue

Rolf: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you because of the issue you are experiencing.
: Can you tell me the number of frequency of use activation code

: I use Google Translation = =

Rolf: Please let me know your exact issue

: I can not run Battlefield Bad Company 2

Rolf: May I know the error message ?
: please wait

: For security reasons,the registration code for your game has been deactivated

: waht's meaning

Rolf: Please provide me code

: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRolf: Thanks for providing me the requested information.

Rolf: Please give me a moment while I check this for you.
: OK

Rolf: Thanks for waiting

Rolf: May I know from where did you purchase the game ?

Rolf: Are you there ?
: YE

Rolf: May I know from where did you purchase the game ?

: Someone to help me buy


Rolf: Do you have disc of the game ?
: I use a digital version of the EADM

Rolf: Please provide me your EA email account on which your game is registered.
[email protected]

Rolf: Please provide me the order number and email you had used to purchase the game.
: I don't have the order numberT.T

Rolf: Okay

Rolf: I've checked and found that your haven't purchase the game from EA store , It looks like that you have purchased the code only and activated your code in EADM which is a fraud activity , Therefore you are not able to play the game , In this case I'd suggest you please try to purchase the genuine game


: But my account has been activated

Rolf: Yes

Rolf: Account is activated , But your code is not obtained correctly by you

: This is not to buy the account activation code

: This account did not buy the activation code

: Are you there

Rolf: Yes
Rolf: Did you purchase the game from EA store ?
: I can run the game before the reinstallation


Rolf: Please wait

Rolf: Thank you for waiting. I really appreciate your patience.
Rolf: Are you there ?

Rolf: Okay

: What is the solution

Rolf: Here is the new code of the game "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

: please WIATY

Rolf: Okay


: Does not work T.T

Rolf: May I know the error message ?
: For security reasons,the registration code for your game has been deactivated

Rolf: The issue you are facing seems to be complicated. I'm forwarding your issue to our senior support they will contact you through email system. Your patience is highly appreciated.
: How to do that to my game

Rolf: Please wait , our senior team will assist you through email

Rolf: Is there anything else I can do for you at this moment ?
Rolf: Are you there ?
: is there problem of my activation code

: Activation, how many times

Rolf: The issue you are facing seems to be complicated. I'm forwarding your issue to our senior support they will contact you through email system. Your patience is highly appreciated.
: alright thank you

Rolf: Thank You
Bye and take care,
Have A Nice Day !
Rolf: Bye!
'' disconnected ('Concluded by Agent').

czx414 发表于 2011-2-11 18:15


BLUE01299 发表于 2011-2-12 05:15

在用LZ的方法, 很快有結果就知道了{:3_160:}

BLUE01299 发表于 2011-2-12 05:40


sasukacs 发表于 2011-2-12 08:42


feitianzu 发表于 2011-2-12 19:46


BLUE01299 发表于 2011-2-12 22:31

我想這方法只有在未被封的時候用, 才可以{:3_152:}

zeroflysk 发表于 2011-2-13 01:18


yukin77 发表于 2011-2-13 01:50


samuelgd99 发表于 2011-2-13 03:13




w_cain 发表于 2011-2-13 10:56


405818075 发表于 2011-2-13 18:14

楼上给我一个成不 卖我一个也行啊!

yjceyy 发表于 2011-2-23 00:28

我在TB买的 15人民币用了8个月了没事啊

=Archer= 发表于 2011-2-24 09:52

很正常,EA客服超级大方,WIN7下战地2显示CDKEY无效,客服问都没问一下子给了我3个正版KEY。 ...
w_cain 发表于 2011-2-13 10:56

我擦 那你喜剧了不过毕竟战地2 嘛   那么老的游戏了前阵子1.5补丁刚出的时候 所有官方服务器还免CDKEY验证呢

UAB 发表于 2011-2-25 17:23


slodin 发表于 2011-2-28 12:43

然后过了几天我朋友又找到了他的KEY...结果就是我们多出了一个key -,-b...

不过EA客服真的很厚道。。就算是骗他们。。他们也相信你 -,-...不过这样做。。总比COD客服的B好多了。。什么都解决不了。。:L

sky1997925 发表于 2011-8-26 15:07

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