《魔能(Magicka)》V1.3.3.2 破解升级档
SKIDROW u1(400MB+):V1320
SKIDROW u2(400MB+):V1330
THETA u1(10MB+):V1330
THETA u2(10MB+):V1332 Fixed issues/bugs
* UPnP will no longer crash the game.
* Lack of playable avatar will no longer crash the game.
* Improved reports on disconnect and connection failed.
* Game crash on startup due to old gamer with long name fixed.
* Game terminates properly on crash.
* Save data wipe bug on multiplayer disconnect fixed.
* Boss crashes in Chapter 6 and 12 fixed.
* Servers limited to 4 simultaneous steam users.
* Players that have not selected a slot when the game starts is kicked.
* Server browser no longer displays games of a different version.
* Version miss match check.
* No longer possible to bounce between islands in Chapter 6
* Fixed interrupted dialog from Vlad in Chapter 6.
* Fixed trigger sequence in Chapter 9.
* Chapter 12 boss damage texture added.
* Fixed a bug where a client was locked in an animation.
* Delayed message from steam no longer forces player into game.
* Challenges are now playable using the French version
New features/balancing
* Added version number in menu.
* Added server password. (player requested feature)
* Default undie-time changed to 0.5s (Staff of the Dead)
Known Issues
* Beam spells merging sometimes crashes game with stack overflow (for real)
* Chat still awkwardly positioned.
* Self-shields sometimes get out of sync
* Players are still able to have multiple summons
* Server list sorting not implemented
* Network congestion on high ping (>400ms) connections still problematic.
* Game stutters slightly on some systems despite good performance (cause known, fix pending)
* Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
* Game sometimes hogs uplink bandwidth - (Being researched)
看到"Known Issues "我囧了 THETA的两个补丁都提示有木马,怎么办? dddddddddd 前排!大大。第六关跳出问题是否修复? 报毒……怎么办…… 哪个是最新的补丁啊 感谢了。 补丁太多了都乱套了