一个MOD中有用脚本编辑器fose设置热键的功能,下面这个键盘代码原地址失效You can look up for the codes of the keyboard keys here: http://fose.silverlock.org/fose_command_doc.html#DirectX_Scancodes
谁有地址或截图给我看一下,脚本编辑器的键盘代码 问下光大吧,他可能知道,他做过涉及FOSE的脚本 回复 2# ywl4726
DirectX Scancodes
1: Escape
2: 1
3: 2
4: 3
5: 4
6: 5
7: 6
8: 7
9: 8
10: 9
11: 0
12: Minus
13: Equals
14: Backspace
15: Tab
16: Q
17: W
18: E
19: R
20: T
21: Y
22: U
23: I
24: O
25: P
26: Left Bracket
27: Right Bracket
28: Enter
29: Left Control
30: A
31: S
32: D
33: F
34: G
35: H
36: J
37: K
38: L
39: Semicolon
40: Apostrophe
41: ~ (Console)
42: Left Shift
43: Back Slash
44: Z
45: X
46: C
47: V
48: B
49: N
50: M
51: Comma
52: Period
53: Forward Slash
54: Right Shift
55: NUM*
56: Left Alt
57: Spacebar
58: Caps Lock
59: F1
60: F2
61: F3
62: F4
63: F5
64: F6
65: F7
66: F8
67: F9
68: F10
69: Num Lock
70: Scroll Lock
71: NUM7
72: NUM8
73: NUM9
74: NUM-
75: NUM4
76: NUM5
77: NUM6
78: NUM+
79: NUM1
80: NUM2
81: NUM3
82: NUM0
83: NUM.
87: F11
88: F12
156: NUM Enter
157: Right Control
181: NUM/
184: Right Alt
200: Up Arrow
203: Left Arrow
205: Right Arrow
208: Down Arrow
256: Left Mouse Button
257: Right Mouse Button
258: Middle/Wheel Mouse Button
259: Mouse Button 3
260: Mouse Button 4
261: Mouse Button 5
262: Mouse Button 6
263: Mouse Button 7
264: Mouse Wheel Up
265: Mouse Wheel Down
怎么样取消九宫格中数字2,换弹的快捷键 回复 4# ebsword
在道具栏按着数字2再点击道具就更换为相应道具 回复ebsword
真永恒之心 发表于 2011-1-14 22:05 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif