【寂静岭8】官方定名《寂静岭:倾盆大雨》 Silent Hill: Downpour 初步细节释出
消息灵通人士得知,由 Vatra Games 开发的寂静岭第八作正式官方定名为《寂静岭:倾盆大雨》(Silent Hill: Downpour),以水元素穿针引线,增加丰富多样的支线任务,地铁传送系统等要素,预计2011年内发售。
-demo takes place in the outskirts of SH
-the town is so large that you can use a subway system to travel between focal points
-avoid fights when possible, better to deliver incapacitating blows and run away (so good!)
-boss fights with quicktime events (not so good)
-water plays a huge part in the game, bizarre water effects like what looks like an upside down river flowing across a ceiling is described
-prominent locations in the older installments like schools and hospitals will not return
-the southeastern part of Silent Hill that you see on the maps in the older games but never go to is the area that will be explored in Downpour
-no weapon inventory, weapons weaken and break
-there will be puzzle difficulty options 希望能吓人一点,这系列越来越变成虐怪游戏和动作游戏了 感覺不錯~