PSPGEN更新TN-A (HEN) by Total_Noob - The output is advanced.最快今晚发布(应该是法国的当晚吧...)
We announced the launch of TN-A 20.6 (HEN) by Total_Noobwould league Dec. 24 at noon and you were some one does not understand this delay to the launch. Between the insults and conspiracy theories, we read a bit of everything and anything which is too bad because thanks would have seemed to be more occasional. But the world is like ingratitude and insults are more fashionable than gratitude and politeness.A successful online implementation requires that the animal be tested thoroughly, as the news are ready and complete, and also that we are there to monitor in case of trouble. These parameters could not be normally met on 24 December at noon. In addition, we believe that putting it online on December 24 because of this TN-A 20.6 (HEN) a gift of circumstance. At first the spirit of Christmas and its symbolism does not affect everyone and it's sad to see so many insults bloom at this time supposed to be a moment of peace and sharing.
To return to our topic of the day, the 6.20-A TN (HEN) , he must know that Total_Noob So we just pass a new version that has debugged. This delay will have played its role and avoided a second release upgrade in less than 24 hours. We will test this new version all day and if everything still works well, it will be online tonight at midnight or twelve hours earlier than planned in order to please everyone.
回到我们的话题的日子,6.20-A TN(HEN),他必定知道,所以我们只是Total_Noob通过新的稿调试。这个延迟将扮演自己的角色,避免了第二次发布升级在不到24小时。我们将测试这个新的版本一整天了,如果一切还好,这将是在线今天午夜或12个小时比原计划早为了讨好每一个人
刚刚看了一下,最后几句是重点,意思就是TN有了一个新版本,这个版本BUG更少了,避免了首发6.20TN后的更新,GEN小组正在测试这个新的 版本,如果没有大的BUG,将会在今晚或者提前原计划12个小时发布!!
本帖最后由 妖狐藏马 于 2010-12-23 15:09 编辑
法国的GEN小组在其官方网站发布了6.20 TN-A(HEN)程序的实机测试截图。GEN小组表示虽然还有些需要修改,但是他们一定会按时发布该程序,对于Total_Noob没有第一时间发布,而是选择由GEN小组测试,其实更多的还是考虑到程序的完美性,为了出现避免在发布24之后需要修复升级放出第二版的情况。
GEN小组表示今天一整天他们都将会全力测试这个程序,争取在计划的发布日提前发布,可能是在23号的晚上12点(法国当地时间)也可能更早! 不知道到时候国内PSP价格会是多少。。。