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New Vegas game update available on PlayStation 3 — will be on Xbox 360, Steam next weekBy: gstaff | Posted: December 10th, 2010 | 32 Comments
Today PlayStation 3 users in North America and European territories can download the latest game update for Fallout: New Vegas. With your PS3 connected online, you should receive a prompt to download update 1.02*. This update will be available on Xbox 360 and Steam early next week (we’ll keep you posted). Below is list of issues resolved with the game update.
Top fixes:
* Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
* Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
* Fix: DLC error/save corruption
* Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
* Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
* Crafting menu now filters valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
* Weathered pistol no longer glitches when applying mods
After the break, see other issues/quests the patch covers…
In addition, this patch addresses issues with the following areas:
* Pip-Boy Interface
* Pre-Order DLC Items
* Reputation System
* Radio Stations
* Companion fixes
* Companion Quests
* Repair Menu
* Caravan
* Weapons and Weapon Mods
* Hardcore Mode
* Perks
* Skills
* Crafting Recipes
* Crafting Menu
* Mojave Express
* Chems/Addiction
* Doctors
* Vendors
And fixes for the following quests:
* Ain’t That a Kick in the Head
* By a Campfire on The Trail
* They Went That-a-Way
* My Kind of Town
* Boulder City Showdown
* Ring a Ding Ding!
* King’s Gambit
* For The Republic, Part 2
* Render Unto Caesar
* Et Tumor, Brute?
* The House Always Wins
* Wild Card
* Beyond the Beef
* GI Blues
* How Little We Know
* Oh My Papa
* Still In The Dark
* You’ll Know It When It Happens
* Arizona Killer
* Eureka!
* Veni, Vidi, Vici
* All or Nothing
* No Gods, No Masters
* Birds of a Feather
* I Put A Spell On you
* Come Fly With Me
* That Lucky Old Sun
* Don’t Make a Beggar of Me
* The White Wash
* Ghost Town Gunfight
* Restoring Hope
* Bleed Me Dry
* Aba Daba Honeymoon
* Tend To Your Business
* Wang Dang Atomic Tango
* Flags of Our Foul-Ups
* Debt Collector
* Talent Pool
* Left My Heart
* Someone To Watch Over Me
* Hard Luck Blues
現在 PS3 已有更新了 (大概是做白老鼠, 況且那邊麻煩本身較多, 急需補丁)
那些 bug 修正來來去去也是那些, 不知道會不會更改一些遊戲設定, 像製作物品方面 (尤其營火那裡) 太過腦殘, 有些原料根本難以上手... (不知誰曾試過製 hydra 出來)
希望會先修好一些明顯又較易處理的 bug 吧, 例如賭場不退回裝備之類...
是有人貼了中譯, 但只有部份, 還變了筆戰, 重貼算了 恐怖的任务修复列表…… 第一件事是ctrl+F,输入:reload 无果,很失望... 维加斯各种界面设计很不便利 {:3_183:}操作上无谓的按来按去 而且也没有什么醒目提示 这个啊,第一部DLC在X360上,此时最新补丁在PS3上首发,这些其实应该都是设计好的,呵呵 求翻译~~~~~ 據說遊戲是基於X360開發的.其他版本當然就要補丁多點了..
DLC一定會有的,無限回音中 回复 8# wuwei1017
我不知道的这几个Pack是不是PC独占,不是的话就更没福利了。另外最近发现DLC这个东西也在慢慢转变性质,很有意思,有时间的话会好好看看它的前世今生 360 ps3都没有控制台出错就疯了,听说360版本人物总是自动下沉。。。
黑曜石的技术实力摆在那里,能够用控制台通关就要烧香拜佛了,修正bug你讲什么冷笑话啊,那是增加bug啊。。看看那越演越烈的reload bug吧 PC 老實說就算現在立即停發更新, 有實力的玩家也可以自已做 mod 修 bug, 但 ps3 那些只能期望官方出補丁, 或是... 買一部電腦和電腦版 FONV 吧 XD