请教Ursula的打法?就是找蔬菜,开三个门后去打的那个女人!能打到,但不伤血! 我是打不动她,她老是跑来跑去的,象在耍猴一样..... 平台跳下去有一个拉杆,拉一下 对滴,在一进来的那边,有个栅栏,跳下去,下面有机关~~~ 这个是后期任务吗、? 貌似我还没玩到这。。 选仆人那 竟然把那个骗子选了 回复 5# 782384898这是复仇之炎里的任务,也算跟主线有点挂钩的。。 感谢大家的帮助!
貌似我卡的都是女人!?!?! 回复 5# 782384898
8个人每个人都有真才实学........... 回复 8# zxclark
不是有个卖药水的骗子吗。我也知道他是骗子。记错名字了。劈错人了 回复 8# zxclark
五条线索都找到以后,应该去一个叫Champion Academy的地方,这个地方在哪儿? 回复zxclark
不是有个卖药水的骗子吗。我也知道他是骗子。记错名字了。劈错人了 ...
782384898 发表于 2010-12-5 11:47 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
偶也认为他是骗子,他自己说的啊.... 本帖最后由 yureneagle 于 2010-12-5 11:57 编辑
自己找到了 回复 11# vectra33
是啊。不知道对后期剧情有没有影响 回复 11# vectra33
.................................不是这样的................... 回复 14# zxclark
If you choose Allan as your alchemist, you can have him make you the unique
Allan Brew - an armor potion 1.5 times as effective as the next best one.
Barbatos, on the other hand, will reward you with one more skill point and he
reduces the ingredient cost of potions at the max Alchemy Garden level by 3
instead of Allan's 2. Furthermore, he can make stat buffing potions for free,
though they aren't the highest quality (and cheap ingredients make for
plentiful better potions anyway). Lastly, choosing Allan forces you to give up
the Potion of Wisdom, which grants you 5 int for free. Unless you really like
Allan's personality, Barbatos is the better choice.
答案已经很明显了…… 回复 15# yureneagle