安装好了神界后双击运行,弹出对话框:“the game has detected that you have installed a different version of PhysX.If this is a newer version of PhysX than the one with which the game shipped,this may be fine,butshould you encounter abnormal termination of the game,please visit the support page or contact technical support.”
如果特效都开最低那游戏里就是全都透视一样 人物像幽灵 开中或高都是黑屏(是在游戏里)
我9800GT 1G显存 4G内存 4核CPU 哪里不对?!?! win7系统 难道不兼容吗?!?!?!? 对了
我刚才装了显卡驱动最新版 但是显示不兼容win7 我又装回去了
又装了个NVIDIA PhysX物理加速驱动9.10.0514版 还是一样的