龙骑士出升级档了 求破解啊
升级到1.4.9.63了求破解啦~~ 有啥改动啊? 本帖最后由 lpang 于 2010-12-3 17:59 编辑
The Dragon Knight Saga: Patch 1
The patching servers are temporarily unavailable. Our apologies for this inconvenience. We are trying to fix the problem as soon as possible.
The following features and fixes are included with this patch:
Nightmare difficulty mode has been added
The graphic options have been extended
A number of balancing changes were included (overpowered enchantments, empty containers)
The interact button now also takes all items in a container
Compatibility fixes are present for various graphic cards (black screen problem)
A system fix was introduced that solves issues like invisible npc's and overpowered enemies
A number of minor fixes were done
To download the patch, click the correct link in the following table, depending on which version of Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga you have. 噩梦难度,想试试............. 升级档有多大啊? 噩梦难度好啊,感觉和暗黑一样了{:3_143:} 噩梦难度好啊,感觉和暗黑一样了
akalun 发表于 2010-12-3 18:05 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
为什么和暗黑一样,能刷怪? 和暗黑的地狱难度一样有挑战性啊 也许我不会玩儿,中等难度已经很难了 恶魔难度阿,,,超喜欢哈哈 难道那个+100 普通伤害和+100 魔伤的附魔公式没有了?! 玩得高兴就行{:3_154:} 噩梦难度?太给力了,只是希望不会影响汉化进度就好~~~ 升级档下载地址
还解决了一些卡怪的bug吧 噩梦难度大爱阿,如果可能希望汉化能整合这版啊。。。。 求升级档。。。。。。。。。。 估计又是那种增加血量 攻击的无聊把戏 还没出破解么。。。。。。
看来以后不能着急第一时间升级了。。。 等破解………………