jokingerer 发表于 2010-11-19 00:22

今天把red lucy给睡了 啊哈哈

在the thorn完成了Bleed Me Dry 任务之后各种搜刮red lucy的钱,到最后给完四爪的蛋以后就顺利的推了丫的。但是我的人物是个妹子,喜感啊
After the completion of the Side Quest: Bleed Me Dry it is possible to sleep with Red Lucy. After the screen cuts to black, sounds of her crying out during the act can be heard.

She asks you to retrieve eggs of various creatures throughout the wasteland. She will have sex with you if you bring deathclaw eggs. Sleeping with her restores your heath and limb condition. She will attack you if you attack customers of The Thorn, or if you attack contestants.

messeffect 发表于 2010-11-19 00:25

Bleed Me Dry 这个任务名真特别,我一接到任务时候就知道结局了
的翻译是不是: 吹到干 啊
red luck 功力好深啊

redmare 发表于 2010-11-19 00:27

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