http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/news/1995/Fallout-New-Vegas-PC-patch-released等待吧。。。应该很快有得下了 !!! 破解米出 噗需要翻墙 同2L上 补了什么??? 补拉个补丁~ 首先就解决了坏当问题 木有破解 强力围观等破解 都更新了些啥 ? Load up Fallout: New Vegas to grab the latest PC patch via Steamworks. The list of fixes is below:
?Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
?Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
?Fix: DLC error/save corruption
?Fix: Stuttering with water effects
?Fix: Severe performance issues with DirectX.
?Fix: Controls temporarily disabled after reloading Cowboy Repeater while crouched
?Fixed crash using the Euclid C-Finder while having the Heave Ho perk
?Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
?Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
?Fixed crash when buying duplicate caravan cards from a vendor in a single transaction
?Crafting menu should filter valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
?Fix: Sitting down while looking down a weapon's ironsights leaves player control locked
?Fix: If a companion is knocked unconscious with broken limbs they stay broken on respawn
?Fix for varmint night scope effect persisting in kill cam
?Fix for giving companions armor that adds STR does not increase their carry weight
?Fix NPC Repair menu displays DAM as DPS
?Having NPC repair service rifle with forged receiver decreases CND Fix for giving companions armor that adds STR does not increase their carry weight
脑残的设定终于改了么。。 听说1.1.1(也就是现在1.20之前的一个补丁),出现过某些本来应该被主角用无数手段轰杀的家伙无敌的BUG…… 0 0 升级补丁也要破解呢喵.. crash们你好~~~~~~~~ 围观 任务bug一个都没修复 對啊,任務BUG沒修復是怎樣 If a companion is knocked unconscious with broken limbs they stay broken on respawn
看来难度增大了 終於出效能補丁了 很失望,任务BUG一个都没修复 确实有点失望,至少没有提到在win7下运行卡的bug~!!!!! 建議跑模組的朋友們不要裝
其實N網就有很多修正bug的模組了, 還有整合版本 确实有点失望,至少没有提到在win7下运行卡的bug~!!!!!
austin_ 发表于 2010/11/11 1:29:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif