random age 的大更新版本终于来啦!
* Over 150 new hand-crafted enemies make encounters unique in every new game. Enemies will also equip and use a wide variety of random item selections, meaning even the same enemies may have new and unusual combat characteristics.
150 组手工打造的敌人组合
* New creature packages reference dozens of custom AI scripts for smarter, tougher enemy encounters.
* Powerful magic items will be found on enemies and in containers throughout the game. Now every playthrough will contain a limitless variety of new and unusual items.
* Both enemies and items are randomly generated "on the fly", using algorithms that ensure they are completely random every playthrough as well as "realistically" created.
* A revised dynamic Mob spawn routine that centers around your chosen difficulty setting. Higher settings now feature more bosses and epic encounters that might not be experienced on lower settings. There is also now an "ExtraDifficulty" setting to raise the stakes even higher.
* Restrictive hidden hard caps on stats such as elemental damage, resistances, and combat speed have been removed.
NOTE: Those using previous version of "Random Age" should re-read this document, specifically the section on .ini settings. Some settings have been added, removed, or changed, so your old settings will need to be modified in order to work correctly. 其他装备mod中的武器也会被随机分配到敌人手上。 看来很是蛋疼啊 这个不错啊。难度增加很多啊 楼主 上传到 网盘吧 。。 杀人狂的最爱....飘过..... 下到99%就不下了。怎么办啊 表示非常担心各种兼容性,,,,,, 敌人也能用MOD武器?我擦这个太给力了,你要是放几个逆天装备,那不是........ =。=这牛叉的补丁下来耍耍 下不了 楼主 上传到 网盘吧~谢谢 mod武器分给敌人……噢~~愉快的团灭时间到了……囧rz 两个文件下载哪个?还是都要? 在此帖做个记号。。。 提高难度,玩过原版再试