要是质量效应拍成电影我想应该比阿凡达之类的好看- -怎么就没公司拍呢。。。 有这个消息了,请仔细关注Masseffect的wiki:http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_Wikihttp://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_%28film%29
On May 24th, 2010, BioWare announced that Legendary Pictures will be producing a movie version of BioWare's famous sci-fi epic Mass Effect. Legendary Pictures will produce with Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni along with Avi Arad, while BioWare's own Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuk and Casey Hudson will serve as executive producers. Mark Protosevich is in talks to write a screenplay.
The project is still in its early development stages.
BioWare Announcement
On The BioWare Forums, BioWare Community Coordinator Chris Priestly made the following announcement:
“I am very pleased this morning to announce that there will be a Mass Effect movie made by the fine folks at Legendary Pictures! I know there has been a lot of speculation amongst our fans ever since Mass Effect 1 came out as to whether or not there would be a movie, who should star in it, who would direct, would there be a Wrex sized bucket of popcorn, etc and I can now reveal that, yes, there will be a movie (popcorn deal is still unconfirmed).
Legendary Pictures, the studio behind great films such as The Dark Knight, Watchmen, The Hangover and 300 have picked up the rights to make Mass Effect. Legendary Pictures will produce with Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni along with Avi Arad (who has been behind great films like Iron Man, X-Men and Spider-Man). From BioWare Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuck and Casey Hudson will serve as executive producers.
'At BioWare, we’ve always thought of Mass Effect as having the depth, emotion and plot twists perfectly suited for an adaptation to a motion picture,' said Casey Hudson, executive producer of the Mass Effect series. 'With Avi Arad and Legendary attached, we believe that the Mass Effect movie will be an extraordinary entertainment event that realizes our vision for the franchise and thrills fans.'”
Legendary Pictures will produce with Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni along with Avi Arad (who has been behind great films like Iron Man, X-Men and Spider-Man). From BioWare Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuck and Casey Hudson will serve as executive producers.
汗,光看这个,就知道这片子的效果绝对差不了,但是剧情能否和游戏一样精彩,那就要看Ray Muzyka Greg Zeschuck and Casey Hudson 这三位能不能把这游戏的灵魂过度到电影里了~,总之,期待啊,哈~
回复 2# pslpsl 的帖子
这个游戏刚开始是被他的画面所吸引,但是刚开始没有深入玩,随便跑跑也没多大意思;但是后来静心玩了下去,才发现褪去外表的华丽,真正吸引我的却是其宏大世界观还有斜坡美式英雄般令人惊心动魄的命运以及各种扣人心弦的剧情,其实不夸张地讲,这个游戏不需要什么编剧即可直接找游戏翻拍成电影。 质量效应属于硬科幻. 单纯一个电影很难解释它的内涵. 质量效应硬个鬼,游戏本身已经很电影化了,电影拍出来基本上会雷............ 质量效应硬个鬼,游戏本身已经很电影化了,电影拍出来基本上会雷............AIR2 发表于 2010/9/25 7:35:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
RPG是最不适合改编电影的,因为在RPG里你可以花很多很多时间来了解背景.电影最多接近两小时. 质量效应硬个鬼,游戏本身已经很电影化了,电影拍出来基本上会雷............
AIR2 发表于 2010/9/25 7:35:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif[/im......
niveous 发表于 2010/9/25 7:42:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
恩 最吸引你的是世界大观
除非跟魔戒什么的 拍个三部曲 四部曲什么
回复 8# hemingsoul 的帖子
同意LS电影实在有限,庞大的世界观很难完全展现出来,玩过游戏的还是很有代入感 ,但是对于没有接触过这个游戏的,恐怕很难营造出那种氛围 我觉得质量要拍电影肯定是三部曲,游戏本身都是三部曲,电影拍成三部曲有什么不行?而且如果效果好,再发挥一下,拍个五六部曲也是可以的
只要题材好、导演好、票房好,这不是问题。 游戏最好别是三部曲... 我更希望像哈利波特那样做个六,七部... 乌维·鲍尔笑而不语 乌维·鲍尔笑而不语
Hummer 发表于 2010/9/25 10:54:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
现在好莱坞有乌维·鲍尔条款.游戏开发商有权力排斥自己不喜欢的导演. 不知为何,让我想起星际传奇2,就是文。迪赛演的那个光头里迪克。 這遊戲如果拍成電影的令我開心又傷心=_=
始終遊戲內容太多,單是me2尋找隊伍的路程,一集電影拍不完的, 已经有人买了质量效应系列的拍摄权了 质量效应要拍成电影的话,至少要像阿凡达一样拿出个5~6亿美元来拍,然后拍成3部曲,而且还要一个非常NX的导演和编剧,不然就会悲剧 干脆拍成电视剧吧,每一季40~60集,连拍个4、5季. 只要忠于游戏剧情,找个好导演,投资多点。。。应该不会很雷,关键是剧情,游戏改编电影的剧情基本上都面目全非