Still working on this - the issue (and fixes) are not as straight forward as they appear, so apologies for the delay.We believe we have now solved the remaining issues and the latest patch is being created now for all platforms to go into testing tonight and tomorrow.
If successful, we may be able to launch the PC patch either tomorrow afternoon or friday morning (Mountain time). Console patches will go into certification at that time as well.
I'll do an update tomorrow to confirm a release date/time.
Thank you again for your patience.
等到了就可以开始玩了 1.04a改进游戏很小吧?之前不是有人说就是为了修正女巫DLC的一个BUG才推出的么? 等的就是这个BUG修复
回复 1# scobin3 的帖子
修正了什么,dlc女主能和m一起走吗 謝謝分享~~~