本帖最后由 万劫夜 于 2011-1-18 19:12 编辑下载地址:
将下载的 APGame.exe 文件放进游戏安装目录的 Binaries 文件夹覆盖原文件,如……SEGA\Alpha Protocol\Binaries。
补丁内容: * To resolve activation issues, PC copy protection has been removed.
* In Moscow during the assault of Brayko's Mansion, the player could get into a situation where a door would not be openable preventing progression through the rest of the level. This has been fixed.
* In Taipei, during the Stop the Assassination mission, the user can fall out of the world if they reload the "Exit Gardens" checkpoint. There was also a problem where if the player backtracked, part of the level might not load in properly. This has also been fixed.
* In the same mission, a problem with subtitles was corrected.
* In the museum in Rome, the game could crash when using Focused Aim to kill the NPC holding Madison in the elevator.
* Bosses could get stuck in an accelerated mode when Fury wears off.
* Chainshot was exploitable to slow time and get critical headshots without consuming its cooldown. 求解 这个补丁的具体功能?
如能修正某些BUG与 例如人物动作之类的估计这游戏又能小火一下 雷作,雷补丁…… 出个补丁都那么隔路 据称这个补丁移除游戏原先的DRM,也就是官方免DVD了。。。 以下是补丁内容 :。。。。。。。。。。。。
* To resolve activation issues, PC copy protection has been removed.
* In Moscow during the assault of Brayko's Mansion, the player could get into a situation where a door would not be openable preventing progression through the rest of the level. This has been fixed.
* In Taipei, during the Stop the Assassination mission, the user can fall out of the world if they reload the "Exit Gardens" checkpoint. There was also a problem where if the player backtracked, part of the level might not load in properly. This has also been fixed.
* In the same mission, a problem with subtitles was corrected.
* In the museum in Rome, the game could crash when using Focused Aim to kill the NPC holding Madison in the elevator.
* Bosses could get stuck in an accelerated mode when Fury wears off.
* Chainshot was exploitable to slow time and get critical headshots without consuming its cooldown. 正好需要呢~~~~~~~~ dddddddddddd 试试看!