http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1601Dragon Age Simple Fixes
These fixes have only been tested against a pure standard build. The majority of fixes either use EventManager or modifies 2da files and leaves the major game scripts alone, thus they _should_ be compatible with most other mods, but no guarantees.
* Fix - Arrow of Slaying Level Based Damage
Bonus damage for Arrow of Slaying was not coded accurately as (level difference)^2, but rather as a bitwise XOR with 2. This fixes it so that the level based bonus damage is once again the square of the level difference on targets of lower level.
* Fix - Curse of Mortality Combat Health Regen
Fixes the bug where Curse of Mortality was not properly preventing health regen during combat.
* Fix - Haste Ranged Aim
Fixes the bug where haste will add 0.8s to your aim time instead of subtracting 0.8s.
Haste Ranged Aim 技能本来要-0.8s瞄准时间的,结果却+0.8s
* Fix - Haste Weapon Speed
Fixes the bug where if you drop below 0.5s weapon speed, it will reset to 1.0s.
* Fix - Healing Received
Fixes the bug where healing received was not properly initialized on characters, thus the items had no effect. This fix will apply to your character whenever you equip any items with the +healing received property.
* Fix - Increases Monetary Gain
Fixes monetary gain items to properly give additional 5% gold from killing monsters and stealing. This fix has a peculiar behavior as described below.
1. Does NOT affect gold from chests. Such a fix would alter core game scripts beyond the scope of this pack.
2. Does NOT stack with itself on the same character.
3. Does NOT stack with XP bonus from Archivists Sash on the same character.
4. DOES stack with similar properties on different characters. If your PC has the Archivist's Sash + 2 Monetary Gain items, none would stack and only the latest equipped applies. If your PC has the Archivist's Sash, an NPC has Guildmaster's Belt, and another has Pearl of the Anoited, you would get +25XP from Codex and 10% additional gold from monsters.
2, 3, and 4 may not make much sense, but it is how the framework for these 'reward bonus' properties were coded by Bioware, and as such the behavior is retained. 'Reward Bonus' are coded as effects, and not attributes, and thus do not stack with each other on the same character. This fix merely makes monster/stealing gold read off the correct effect.
* Fix - Legion of the Dead Heraldry
Fixes Legion of the Dead Heraldry to give +3 stats like all other heraldries.
* Fix - Mana Cleanse Removes Mana
Fixes the bug where Mana Cleanse was adding mana instead of removing mana.
Mana Cleanse为敌人增加魔法而不是减少魔法。
* Fix - Power of Blood Dual Wield Expert
* Fix - Repeater Gloves Proper Rapid Aim
Fixes Repeater Gloves (from Return to Ostagar DLC) to properly gives -0.3s to your aim time, instead of -3.0s.
* Fix - Shattering Blow
Fixes Shattering Blow to properly give damage bonus against constructs (golems, skeletons, corpses, sylvans)
* Fix - Swift Salve Ranged Aim
Fixes the bug where swift salve will add 0.9s to your aim time instead of subtracting 0.9s.
* Fix - Weaken Nearby Darkspawn
Fixes the bug where the Weaken Nearby Darkspawn property was not functioning. Now causes darkspawn within 2.5m to be penalized -5 attack and -5 defense.
* Tweak - Aim Accuracy Stacking
Aim doubles the critical acquired from Accuracy, so activating Accuracy then Aim is vastly different from vice versa. This tweaks Aim to not double the bonus from Accuracy, but only the pre-Accuracy crit chance.
* Tweak - Hostility Affecting Items
Despite what many believe, existing coding indicates that items with "Reduces Hostility" are intended to speed up the decay of threat, not reduce the generation of threat. However, the decay appears to be hard coded into the engine at -0.5 threat per second, and cannot be affected by scripts. This tweak makes it so that the "Reduces Hostility" reduces threat from damage by 5 points for each power level, and "Increases Hostility and Intimidation" increases threat from damage by 5 points for each power level. Different hostility affecting items have differing power levels. Note that the "Increases Hostility" (without Intimidation) property on items like Cadash Stompers are currently functional and add 5 points of threat to each attack.
* Tweak - Messy Kills Adds Gore
Changes the "Messy Kills" item property to have a chance to add more gore to the target being hit. While it seems likely that the property is intended to increase the chance to perform a Deathblow, such a fix overlaps with Fix - Haste Weapon Speed and cannot be decoupled, thus this alternative tweak.
* Tweak - Nature Damage Spells per Description
Changes Stonefist & Walking Bomb DOTs to be nature damage. Walking Bomb explosion remain physical damage (being hit by flying body parts).
* Tweak - No Power of Blood Damage While Exploring
Disables Tainted Blood self-damage while exploring to stop the annoying 'head bob' animation.
WARNING: This is a rather clunky fix, but through trial and error, the only event I've found that handles the self damage is EVENT_TYPE_APPLY_EFFECT. Aura of Pain, OTOH applies a DOT to you to tick away. Without access to the source for gwb_modal.ncs, this is going to have to be the best solution unless someone has found a more specific EVENT_TYPE that triggers the self damage.
还有一个Find vitals的技能bug在后续版本中修复。sigh。。。这个本来是+致命一击概率的,结果却+5%灵魂伤害。
PS,这些bug也错的太离谱了吧! 幸亏是英文的,偶没看懂,不然挺影响心情
偶不是游戏精英,通过N遍,至今未发现一个BUG,玩的很嗨 看了微软的补丁你会一辈子不想用窗口的- - 很多老问题,有一些影响不大,但有一些明明很严重,但出了两个补丁竟然没有修复。 这。。。。这。。。这让我等刚开始玩的玩家如何是好~
老鸟快来说说这mod要不要装。。。。。看标题名字也只是Simple Fixes而已啊~ 别装,要的就是原汁原味