原文链接:http://www.blacksheepgame.com/news/201009/19420.html《最高指挥官2》的DLC已经于日前公布,我们也给大家放出了DLC的首支预告片,在预告片最后,游戏制作人Chris Taylor跳出来向大家宣布在新DLC中,初代的单位“猴子领主”将会回归。今天我们为大家带来的是《最高指挥官2》DLC的几张截图。
http://www.blacksheepgame.com/games/UploadFiles/201009/Medium_20100910111608411.jpg 大蜘蛛回来了 这游戏如此震撼居然 国人不爽 !~~~~~~~~~~~~ 猴王貌似跑的很快!~~~~~~~~~~~ 那个地图不错!~ 猴王貌似跑的很快!~~~~~~~~~~~
lchunghan 发表于 2010/9/11 0:29:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
跑不快的话那么近的射程不死定了? 猴王回归,还行,地图搞个大点的就好 Supreme Commander 2 DLC confirmed -Return of the Monkey Lord
A week or so ago the latest big patch for Supreme Commander 2 seemed to add suppport for future DLC units. Now a new video confirms that the Gas Powered Games-developed sci-fi RTS game will be getting some extra content soon.
One unit that's confirmed for the DLC is the Monkeylord (shown above), the over-the-tip "big gun" unit that was a favorite of fans of the first Supreme Commander game. In addition Gamereplays.org has posted up a list of possible new units and maps from the upcoming DLC found in the latest update's files. Naturally this list could change when the DLC is actually released. You can check out the trailer showing the Monkeylord in action after the jump:
Download the Supreme Commander 2 DLC trailer at Big Download