水月居士 发表于 2010-9-9 20:52



Version 1.09 details:

· Game duration time is now displayed when hovering the mouse cursor over the icon in the bottom left corner. Clicking the slider locks it into position
· Gameplay speed in singleplayer games can be changed now (Slow/Snail , Normal/Mouse , Fast/Rabbit )
· The weather effect settings can be modified in the gameplay menu
· Text fields now support the paste feature (CTRL + V)
· Added a spam protection to the chat system
· Player icons now show if other players are human or an AI
· Added a link to The Settlers My City – Facebook game
· Improved resource marker

Bug Fixes

· The game will no longer crash if a sector is conquered in the same moment as a workshop inside is completed
· A general will not attempt to retreat to the sector he is currently in
· Street upgrades after an earthquake work correctly now

New Content
· Enjoy the fifth and ninth campaign map, optimized for skirmish and multiplayer

The arid, cliff landscape of Moorach is home to a fierce conflict between two opponents. There are slightly different starting conditions, so adapt your strategy wisely. Both rivals have access to marketplaces. There are two major landmarks characterizing Moorach: a huge meteorite crater where the Alchemist has set up his laboratory, and the Dark Fortress on the opposing side of the valley, where the Fallen Knight has set up camp with his band of robbers. There are watermills located at riversides and lakesides which may help to complement your economy.

Kronstedt, the kingdom in the heart of Tandria, is the stage for a challenge between three rulers. The Opponents have slightly different starting conditions and are separate by several rivers, which run through the land. Find river ports to enhance your economy. In Kronstedt, all midway sectors are heavily defended. Several isles are located in the huge central lake. All lake isles are fortified. One of them is even harbors a victory point, if you dare to try and defeat the cannon towers. The Cathedral, Pilgrimage Site and Royal Observatory may be useful to overcome your opponents.

· New Hotkeys
- V = Deploy Farm
- B = Deploy Mountain Shelter
- N = Deploy Lodge
- F = Deploy Stronghold
- G = Deploy Church
- H = Deploy Export Office
- T = Deploy Constructor
- Z = Deploy Well
Shift+ Hotkey lets you jump to and traverse through the respective buildings


tengmaoyi 发表于 2010-9-10 13:35


自醉自眠 发表于 2010-9-10 14:09

1.09都出来了 还用着1.02呢 杯具

子冰 发表于 2010-9-10 15:01

tengmaoyi 发表于 2010/9/10 13:35:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif

你必须 从1.02升级到1.03,再从1.03升级到1.04,以此类推,


水月居士 发表于 2010-9-10 16:04

tengmaoyi 发表于 2010/9/10 13:35:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif

你必须 从1.02升级到1.03,再从1.03升级到1.04,以此
子冰 发表于 2010/9/10 15:01:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif


tengmaoyi 发表于 2010-9-13 15:36

不是啊,我的是D版,但是我安装好游戏想直接打1.09补丁,他都不让我打,我之前打1.08都可以!1.09出来后我想打补丁,他告诉我SETUPNEW CPP138 出错、、、、、、、、、、、、

cctv98 发表于 2010-9-15 03:05

回复 6# tengmaoyi 的帖子


依旧无解- -

aclaude 发表于 2010-10-22 23:23

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