原本以为这个资料片会解释一切,结果什么都没解释,只是还了愿,让我和M在一起了~~ 过关奖励倒是不错,4件都是神器 你怎玩上的啊 就是这里下的啊。。。第一页就有(应该没那么快被顶下去吧) 可以选择杀了M 大家速度真快,我等汉化再玩~如果没交代清楚的话就太令人失望了 怕做的彻底?难道2代还有回忆?不排除这个可能 楼上说的有道理,但M已经跟你离开了,下一步该怎么设计呢 2代的猪脚和一代什么关系都没有,所以2代也不会有M的故事 别要求太多了。。。。。。。。能让M回来就已经知足了。。。。。。。。。。爱一个人不需要任何理由。。。至于一切的阴谋诡计的揭发和大白。。。请持续等待DAOL。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 我导的是赤岩那晚前的存档 所以没跟M睡··· 据M所说关键是M母= = 说她不是ABOMINATION也不是HUMAN 联想到D2预告片的声音就是M母 还有主角的神力 估计M母在D2会有很大戏份
回复 9# fanruoxi 的帖子
回复 12# jarod007 的帖子
。。。。。。。。早就出了关于DA2的详细介绍和官方说明了。。。。。。。2代开始时间和1代平行,后面持续时间跨度只有10年。。。。。。。。 我觉得这个DLC的最亮点是腰带,那条腰带让我的矮人贼在觉醒里达到了100%躲避攻击和100%法术抗性的双免疫回复 13# sgl1ch 的帖子
5.Where does Dragon Age 2 take place?Dragon Age 2 is set in the Free Marches, with much of the plot focused on the city of Kirkwall, an ancient port city that was once the center of the global slave trade.
6.When does Dragon Age 2 take place?
Dragon Age 2 takes place sometime after the Blight of Ferelden, as the Darkspawn and other threats emerge to endanger the world again. The story unfolds over the course of a decade as you rise to power and change the world.
7.Will I meet familiar characters in Dragon Age 2?
Dragon Age 2 is set in the same world as Dragon Age: Origins, and you will cross paths with many of the same individuals and groups that you encountered before.
8.Will the Dragon Age 2 story react to the decisions I made in Dragon Age: Origins?
Yes. If you import your Origins playthroughs, you will experience the consequences of the choices you made previously. However, this is not necessary to fully experience Dragon Age 2.
官网说明 自己看吧
2代开始于1代之后的一段时间而不是平行 会碰到一代的某些人物 受一代选择的影响 其实从一代叫起源就可以知道续集肯定不会跟一代平行的 顶15L 第8问解决了我纠结很久的一个问题~~~~ 官方坛子置顶贴~~~~英语好可以去看看
最重要一句~~~~~~Morrigan is NOT Hawke's mother; Hawke is NOT the "god baby" 刚看了 为什么官方论坛跟官网的说法不一样···
论坛是说2代与起源时间线有部分重叠 HAWK是在罗瑟琳毁灭前逃出来的···
DA2's story will span 10 years ,
This timeline partially overlaps that of Dragon Age: Origins, and Hawke's story begins in Lothering shortly before it is destroyed by the Darkspawn。[GameInformer article]
Events from Dragon Age: Origins may be seen from a different viewpoint
Hawke escapes the destruction of Lothering with "his family" and he eventually makes his way to Kirkwall in the Free Marches . Kirkwall is located on the southern edge of the Vimmark Mountains, north of Ferelden .
"Hawke will also spend time in other areas of the Free Marches"
“Dragon Age II has a framed narrative structure, which means that the exploits of Hawke occurred in the past, but are being retold in the present.”
Cassandra is interrogating Varric the Dwarf on the actions of Hawke over the last 10 years to better understand how the world came to be on the brink of war.
"No exclusive organization. No saving the world. No ancient evil."
"The player decides whether Hawke is a kind ruler or an unscrupulous despot. He's called Champion - the question is: 'By whom?'" NEW
Flemeth saves Hawke and co. and asks that he deliver a package for her in repayment. NEW - 08/22
About Hawke:
The main character's surname is Hawke .
Male Hawke's default first name is "Garrett" (possibly spelled differently). NEW (08/05)
Female Hawke's default first name is Marian. NEW (08/05)
Hawke can be male or female , ,
Hawke is human
Hawke will be voiced
Hawke survived "the Blight"
Hawke is known as "the Champion of Kirkwall"
Morrigan is NOT Hawke's mother; Hawke is NOT the "god baby"
"Hawke can, indeed, be a mage."
All Hawke voiceover artists have already been cast.
"we refer to the DA2 player far less often as Hawke than we referred to the player as Warden in DAO. Only people who know you intimately use the name, and even then we tend to avoid direct references as a rule to avoid repetition. Most people who don't know you will use an honorific (or even by race, if they're not human)."
Hawke lived in Lothering during the events of DA:O, fled north to Kirkwall
Other NPCs/Companions:
There will be companions/followers
There will be romanceable characters ,
Cassandra is an "Inquisitor" with an interest in Hawke's activities.
Cassandra is an Inquisitor in the employ of the Chantry.
Varric is a Dwarf who was with Hawke on his travels and is a narrator
"Varric is most definitely not a king." NEW - 08/11
"Varric was born in Kirkwall. His family was noble before they became skyers. He is, therefore, a merchant prince among the surface dwarves. And that's probably all I can tell you about him for now." NEW - 08/11
Flemeth will appear
Flemeth is once again voiced by Kate Mulgrew. NEW - 08/22
Hawke meets Wesley, an injured Templar, and Aveline, his wife, while fleeing Lothering. NEW - 08/22
Hawke has a brother named Carver (a Warrior) and a sister named Bethany (an apostate Mage)
Hawke's mother also accompanies him during the escape from Lothering.
You won't be able to romance Bethany. Just in case you were...you know...wondering.
"...the DLC from Origins will be tied to this game as well. You will see characters from that DLC in this game."
Hawke's party will still be limited to 4 (Hawke + 3 companions). NEW - 08/22
There will be at least 2 of each class as potential companions NEW
Party composition may affect dialogue with NPCs NEW
The left side of the dialogue wheel may feature opportunities for companions to interact with the NPC Hawke is speaking to. NEW
It is likely that Nathaniel Howe will appear, as he spent time in Kirkwall before the events of Awakening. NEW
"You can even be openly hostile to your party members and still unlock combat bonuses." 只能说明主线剧情还在调整中,现在只能按照最新的的说法推断了 蛋定等待dao2~ 我可以等待完美了··
回复 9# fanruoxi 的帖子
说不定3代会回来续一二代呢 等汉化....................回复 18# morningzhengcg 的帖子
官网关于情节设定一直在变,不过主角们那部分应该是敲定了,我觉得这部分还是要变~~~~~~ 我只希望2代玩了别让人喷半天就可以。毕竟你是出个DA的2代~~~~~~回复 7# jarod007 的帖子
就算想让二代来回忆,那也要导入通关存档。我过了这个dlc之后,连通关存档都没有,你玩的有吗?(我的觉醒也没有,只有起源有) 一的主角注定是一路人甲~~