【已过期】Lair of the Shadowbroker DLC PC版文件损坏的说明
PC users currently are experiencing a technical issue with the downloaded file that prevents ALL PC users from playing the DLC. We are aware of this issue and have taken the following steps:We have removed the incorrect file from the download section so no further incorrect downloads will occur
We are working on a fix for the issue and will get a working file up for PC users ASAP
More detail
If you downloaded the incomplete file (it is essentially 1.5 Gig of zeroes) this will not harm your system
You will NOT be charged again once the correct file is ready for download
We do not have a more accurate eta for the correct PC DLC, but when we do I will let you know.
As soon as we have more information I will post it here. We are sorry that this occured and we appreciate your patience as we work to get the fix to you.
(你如果是收费用户) 再次下载不会重复收费
原帖:http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/103/index/4713002 看来得等待了 我奇怪,连接还在啊,官方并没有删除。你这个新闻是不是落后了? 我奇怪,连接还在啊,官方并没有删除。你这个新闻是不是落后了?
jarod007 发表于 2010/9/8 7:50:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
你以为正版用户是点连接用迅雷下的吗 -_,- 啊哈哈 现在应该修正了吧,我开始下载了,12分钟前修改的:
People using Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 can download and play Lair of the Shadowbroker. If you are an Xbox 360 user, please go ahead and enjoy the new DLC.
Lair of the Shadowbroker should now be fixed for the PC and should be able to be downloaded now for both the PC and Xbox 360.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and help as we fixed this issue.
回复 4# rakka1988 的帖子
我所说的链接还在是,可以用网页浏览器直接下载 现在应该修正了吧,我开始下载了,12分钟前修改的:People using Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 can download and play Lair of the Shadowbroker. If you are an Xbox 360 user, please go ahead and enjoy the n......
ele 发表于 2010/9/8 8:52:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
回复 7# yanggang4913 的帖子
应该还是那个地址吧我用老版快车重新下了~~~~ 帖子更新了
“Lair of the Shadowbroker should now be fixed for the PC and should be able to be downloaded now for both the PC and Xbox 360.”
Modified 34 minutes ago 谁下载好,安装好的说句话。让大家都可以安心 又下载了一遍还是不行。。。= = 地址是不是变了? 又下载了一遍还是不行。。。= = 地址是不是变了?
rakka1988 发表于 2010/9/8 9:52:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
http://static.cdn.ea.com/bioware/u/f/eagames/bioware/masseffect2/ME2_ShadowBroker.exe 又下载了一遍还是不行。。。= = 地址是不是变了?
rakka1988 发表于 2010/9/8 9:52:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif[/
cdong 发表于 2010/9/8 9:55:00http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
吐血 浪费我1.5g流量 T.T 新下载链接的帖子