大大們下載試試看 我每次下載..它都說
If you do not receive an error, and the page continues to load, please be patient. Your file is being transferred to this server for downloading.
Download not starting? Please enable javascript and HTTP redirects in your browser and insure you aren't running any plugins that might stop these from loading (Adblockers, NoScript, etc.).
Don't know what to do with ZIP, RAR or 7z files after you've downloaded them? Check out our article on file compression basics and what programs to use.
求助... 推.. 点完不就出现ie下载了吗?! 没啥问题。你换个地址下 都沒有彈出........ 你是不是禁止弹出窗口拉
回复 6# tq08rsu 的帖子