《黑手党2 汽车升级包》
1:下好放Mafia 2pc2:mafia2.exe 重命名 Mafia2.exe(以大寫字母!)
3:有些車不能調整 否則 會跳出
These scripts make it possible to put Tier 3 engine, exhaust pipes and do aerography on cars!
Install and run:
? 1. Go to the folder C:Program FilesMafia 2pc.
? 2. Unfetters soderzhymoe folder above the specified folder.
? 3. In the folder ...Mafia 2pc file rename in mafia2.exe Mafia2.exe (with a capital letter!)
? 4. Run the file m2dev.exe (should start the game!)
? 5. In the game zhmakaem F12, and voila - the console works.
? 6. Open the file "Script".
? 7. Choose any script from the list.
? 8. Copy the chosen your script.
? 9. We sit in the car (some cars can not tune, otherwise, are thrown out of the game.)
? 10. In the console, click "Ctrl + V" and hit Enter.
? 11. Done
├─m2dev.dll 181.50KB
├─m2dev.exe 53.00KB
├─m2dev.ini 69B
├─readme.txt 3.29KB
├─Script.txt 1.99KB
├─Mafia2.exe 23.14MB
├─Steamclient.dll 281.00KB
└─steam_appid.txt 5B
http://u.115.com/file/t9d27b6190]http://u.115.com/file/t9d27b6190 怎么用? 沙发 沙发? 居然是地板
回复 3# 璜獅淲︷の 的帖子
我的 不管啦,前排支持LZ 进来看看…… 好厉害啊!!! 游侠。。。。。无语ING 轉的........... 围观 下载地址。。LZ你地址为啥也不转一下http://u.115.com/file/t9d27b6190 下好放哪呢? ..不知道放哪里。。 Mafia 2pc. 只是改了贴图,用LUA改装到3级 这车太凶狠了…… 有些車不能調整 否則 會跳出 下面的水印............. 好啊 使用方法说详细点啊 挺好