shilin09 发表于 2010-8-18 21:26

魔法不 伤害 队友那个MOD 怎么用呀?

我弄了好办也没好使 装到 ov也没反应呀?

hqyzt 发表于 2010-8-18 21:33

1) StartExit Dragon Age Origins:

    The first time you run the game, it sets up an area for AddOns in your
    "My Documents" area. However, this area is not setup until you run the
    game at least once.
2) Extract file to:

    "My Documents"/BioWare/Dragon Age/addins

解压到 我的文档/BioWare/Dragon Age/addins
3) Start Game and when you reach the main menu, goto "Downloadable Content"

启动游戏进入主菜单,进入"Downloadable Content"选项

4) Go to the "Install Content" tab and ensure that "Spell Shaping" is checked.

选"Install Content"标签勾上"Spell Shaping" 这一项

5) Verification:

- Select "New Game"
- Create a Mage   
- Continue till you get to skill selection. Look for Spell Shaping
    as an option. If you see it, then the mod is installed.
- Click "Previous" and exit out of character creation. (Do not
    finish the character creation or you may find it harder to find
    your old save games)

进主菜单选“新游戏”,建一个法师,点继续直到出现技能选项,检查是否有Spell Shaping可选,有的话说明安装成功,点“返回”退出人物创建(不要结束人物创建,否则你将找不到以前的存档!)

FLYFLYING 发表于 2010-8-19 13:24

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