wangyan2046 发表于 2010-8-5 20:49


Step by step:
1) Extract the file. It should have a folder like "dao_prc_nrx_1" that corresponds to the exact UID of the addin. In this example it is Warden's Keep.

2) Find your ADDIN folder. This is usually found under DocumentsBiowareDragon Age Folder

Again that path should be DocumentsBiowareDragon AgeADDIN depending on your install/OS/etc.

3) Just drag and drop your dao_**** in to the ADDIN folder. It will ask you to override. Go ahead and allow it.

For those concerned about the override simply look in the dao_*** folder you extracted, open CORE, then COPY or CUT the OVERRIDE folder. Find the corresponding dao_**** folder under ADDIN, open it, then open CORE, and PASTE the OVERRIDE folder in the CORE folder.

zealstar 发表于 2010-8-5 21:22

1) Extract the file. It should have a folder like "dao_prc_nrx_1" that corresponds to the exact UID of the addin. In this example it is Warden's Keep.

2) Find your ADDIN folder. This is usually found under DocumentsBiowareDragon Age Folder
找到你的ADDIN文件夹。这个文件夹通常存在于DocumentsBiowareDragon Age
Again that path should be DocumentsBiowareDragon AgeADDIN depending on your install/OS/etc.

3) Just drag and drop your dao_**** in to the ADDIN folder. It will ask you to override. Go ahead and allow it.

For those concerned about the override simply look in the dao_*** folder you extracted, open CORE, then COPY or CUT the OVERRIDE folder. Find the corresponding dao_**** folder under ADDIN, open it, then open CORE, and PASTE the OVERRIDE folder in the CORE folder.


龙之光 发表于 2010-8-5 21:51


MG无限 发表于 2010-8-6 13:36

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