Hello everyone,i am a chinese descendant in America.
So where ,and how,can i buy this PC Game outside China? You ask me, I ask who? http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/showtopic-1369352.html楼主你是在炫耀自己英文好吗?你在其他帖子里中文说的不错啊……装什么13?…… You are a chinese descendant , i think you know about chinese.... Sorry, I Don‘t Know! 装B。
回复 3# mjg65 的帖子
只是无聊发个水贴,没想到大家这么认真.... Are you pretending?sir回复 6# wmwgi84 的帖子
骂人不好 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/search.aspx?type=author&searchid=1368473http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/showtopic-1367279.html
已经搜索了该 楼主的发帖,证明确实该人属于“装B” lz来欢乐一下,怎么就成了装b? 某些人就这么自卑么,
回复 6# wmwgi84 的帖子
好吧,大家鄙视我吧只是无聊发个水贴 我懒得鄙视你。
我更无聊 China's game, not suitable for you, play galgame, you should be very fit to play, and this is my personal view point 我是来打酱油的 ........... 楼主可以down一个古剑数字版,然后在淘宝买激活码,50人民币;或者可以在淘宝邮购实体版,但这样比较麻烦。
回复 16# invictus 的帖子
你这一天就到高级,太...... I am not sure,maybe you could ask the SB to get the answer!真的装B( ⊙ o ⊙ )!
回复 16# invictus 的帖子
大半夜的装一下B容易吗!!!经典啊 LZ You TestisPain noPain ? 大家笑笑就行啦……别太认真了。
回复 20# invictus 的帖子
don`tuse "Testis", you can use 'egg".回复 17# gaojianhust 的帖子
嘿嘿 road go,and hit Soy sauce回复 22# gaojianhust 的帖子
那楼主不成鸡了么...... LZ isa B ,which like to pretende.evaluating over! someone would screw you up ,maybe ?? ???? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ...
? ???, Google-? ??????? ????? ... ?? ~ ( ̄▽ ̄#) 不要贸然尝试