Alternative arms and armor tints的使用说明意思不明白,求教
Alternative arms and armor tints这个改盔甲颜色的MOD如何改变其他颜色~?
说明文档:Extract the folder of your choice in <Your documents>/Bioware/Dragon Age/packages/core/override
LNL_tints is the main version
LNL_tints_uniform is the version where all tiers look the same
LNL_tints_originals contains a version of the tint made by Bioware with my own naming convention (more practical to find what you're looking for).
So if for example, you like the mod overall but don't like what I did to gray iron, you can replace the corresponding file with the one from this folder.
D网链接: Alternative可选择的方案。。。大概意思就是可以选择的颜色。