呵呵…… (左上)This is not our time, there is a better future for our(all) children. Demichev is an evil "source"罪恶的源泉..
下面描述renko的是He must survive in order to stop Demichev.
呵呵不是送回10月哦.. 字丑不怪女孩...腹部中弹能写出来都不错了.. (中下)One man that can stop him is Nathaniel Renko. He is from the year 2010 and is an american. He must arrive in order to stop Demichev
Barisov, a scientist on Katorga-12 will have created the time manipulation device 你们这么牛逼……这么潦草的字都能看出来……
回复 3# puffsean 的帖子
那个“survive in order to”你怎么看出来的……我死活看见都是suwas,order也不像啊……更感觉是October…………
Barisov, a scientist on Katorga-12 will have created the time manipulation device 右下角这一行字更加看不出来…… 因为她用的都是大写所有 order 中间那是是D而不是b 她是用左手写的,所以很难看懂啊 因为她是用刀刻上去的,所以看不清是应该的
http://share.131.com/zhuanqu/wowzhuanqu/wowruanjianxiazai/snowe.mp3 这字迹写的是像猪一样
回复 7# firebatman 的帖子
SURVIVE是死活没法看出来的..只不过后面是IN ORDER TO Stop, 所以前面联想一下估计就是SURVIVE"活下来"才是最合理的翻译...顺便就解释了为啥主角总是不死..如果是送回十月的话应该是HE MUST "BE" SENT BACK TO OCTOBER..但是那里少了个BE... 分析的不错回复 4# zhuoyu 的帖子
咦?在什么时候中弹的?!~ 接下来,再出个资料篇,再来个新的主角去杀原来的主角。回复 3# puffsean 的帖子
那个source我觉得还是有些不妥,中间有明显两个字母“C”和“N”回复 9# chaoszty 的帖子
她可能是左撇子啊 This is not our time. There is a better future for our children.Demichev is an evil scoundrel(看不清,暂且这么理解吧,有点离谱)that must be stopped.
One man that can stop him is Nathaniel Renko. He is from the year 2010 and is a american. He must survive in order to stop Demichev.
Barisov a scientist on Katorga-12 will have created the Time Manipulation Device.
回复 16# firebatman 的帖子