由于晚上有点事出门,已经拜托RAS的renchongyi帮忙发布,以下是游戏一些NFO信息Supplier..: Team GNS Date.......: 2010-06-26
Cracker...: Team GNS Protection.: Securom
Packager..: Team GNS Rating.....: 09/10
Game Type.: FPS Size.......: 1 DVD
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead played three years after the events
Arma 2 in the new, fictional region of Takistan. The landscapes in an
Central Asia
* New Story campaign for single and multiplayer mode. Many new
* Extensive game world
* Three brand new, big e, Central Asian-looking maps, including
StΣdte far-reaching, most ? W and mountain landscapes, including complete
destroyed ÷ audible and interactive environment
* Numerous groups, including U.S. Army, United Nations ...
* Ultimate War Experience
* Borders seamlessly to the incomparable AtmosphΣre of Arma second
* Removable RucksΣcke including excuses ? Stung, advanced weapons technology,
Representations of MaterialschΣden, real-time simulations of UAVs.
1) Extract
2) Install with Serial = 910T-GX90V-F0W5D-HW94V-S7HGK
3) Copy Crack
4) Play 第一次沙发 ~~还是鸟姐的沙发~· 板凳 板凳也站着哈哈~~~ 我晕死 我的板凳啊 前排留名~~ 前排支持鸟姐,嗯,英文版都不懂,德文············· 前排~~~~~~ 留名。。。。。。 靠前了 不得不顶一下nj 头排,支持。。。 快来了 快来了!!! 哦哦哦,速度真快。。。。。 沙发啊 这个得顶 可惜没地址 资料是独立的还是要整合的? 期待中………… 支持鸟姐不支持此游戏难度很大 又是英文 去玩就是找虐 =. =第2业了
顶鸟姐... 汉化吗????????????????