求套件,求套件,求套件,求套件~~~ 高手帮忙啊~~~~~~~~~ 标题不长
求解求解~~~~ 不能啊... 顶! 指挥官的还有手套和胸甲狮鹫的还有斧子
戒指还有个黎明戒 指挥官的还有手套和胸甲
尘世巨蟒 发表于 2010/6/20 20:31:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
是啊,上边都说了... 我不知道在哪拿啊.... Griffon's Beak is a reward for helping the Dalish leader vanquish the Werewolves.
斧子是帮助扎兹瑞安消灭狼人的奖励 One piece can be randomly found in the Redcliffe Vault in the chest where you find Eamon's Shield.
Another can be randomly found in Bann Franderel's Manor's Vault during the Crime Wave side-quest.
胸甲在赤崖地下室发现伊蒙盾牌的箱子里随机开出,或者在犯罪潮任务 Bann Franderel's Manor的地下室随机开出 手套没单写,这里是全套地点
The chest that contains Arl Eamon's Shield in the Redcliffe Castle vault
A cabinet in the Deserted Building in Denerim
A cabinet in Bann Franderel's Manor's vault at the end of the Crime Wave quest.
Fort Drakon during the final battle. The chest in the last small room right before you get to the room with Sandal
During Return to Ostagar
Alongside Howe's Shield during Rescue the Queen.
A charred corpse in the last room of the orphanage in the quest Something Wicked in the Denerim Alienage.
A chest in Dane's Refuge
A chance to drop from Raelnor's corpse after you defeat him during the A Change in Leadership quest from the Blackstone Irregulars
觉醒里也能找到,在正义哥的初始装备上 真是太感谢了....斧子吹了.随机的也吹了.... 达人果然厉害,入手地点都记得这么清楚
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