SLS - Scenic Load Screens
by theLeeHarvey v2
This mod replaces the vanilla loading screens with 80+ new
screens made from pics shot in game at various locations around the wasteland and DLC locations.
You can use this mod with or without the DLCs. If used without, you will not see specific load screens related to DLC content with the exception of the "Anchorage Pose" screen (you'll know it when you see it).
Place the contained "Data" folder in your Fallout3 directory.
Click yes when asked to merge any folders. There should be no
overwrites necessary unless you have previously installed
another mod which changes your loading screens.
删除 Data/Textures/Interface/loading 即可.
Thanks to Bethesda for Fallout3 and the 1000+ hours of
entertainment it has brought me.
All screenshots are mine, I did not use any from other authors.
If you wish to use them for anything intended for the public,
please just ask me first. 頂1下 这个主意不错~~还可以猜图片是哪拍的,哈哈 不錯看啊
支持嚕~ 算鸟,不下。。载入游戏大半都是跳出后重进,肯定没心情看。 喜欢最后一个 只知道第一个...