Grey Warden Runic Black Retex盾牌贴图的问题。上面连接中的MOD的盾牌贴图应该怎么用?我按照那个作者说的复制到OV文件夹下可是盾牌仍然是原版的颜色,我看回复中也有其他人遇到了同样的问题,我的英文不好看不太明白要怎么解决,还请哪位高人指点一下。谢谢! 帮顶,看英文达人 if u want the new version of the runic armor by ghost black retexed without the runic weapons losing their texs u have rename the Black retex mod for example texturepack2.erf and the put it into the addins folder.. or else the runic wepons and the new shield will lose their textures!!