无限试驾2(TDU2)总负责人Alain Jarniou在接受VG247的采访
前言:Test Drive Unlimited 2 is hot, It's hot today. It's hot because it's being shown in Spain at a Namco event and a lot of you really want to play it.
It's hot because it's to include 600km of new roads on Hawaii as well as having a whole new island in Ibiza. 。 It's hot because you'll be able to get out of the car and talk to other players.它 It's hot because it has a fucking yacht you can put a car in. Hot .
它的酷,因为它包含了夏威夷600公里的新道路 ,以及具有全新的伊维萨岛,他的酷因为你就可以走出汽车,跟其他球员。它的酷,因为你可以把汽车放在游艇上。酷
VG247:Gon asks how much DLC support there’ll be for the game.
VG247:有多少种类的DLC 将会在游戏中?
Alain Jarniou: We mainly redesigned the game engine to support any updates, any DLC. We’ll have cars, the same as the first one, but we can have new game modes and things like that. It’s very large.
Alain Jarniou:我们主要是重新设计了游戏引擎,以支持任何更新,任何DLC,我们将有车,作为首次发布,但我们可以有新的游戏模式和类似的东西,这是非常大的
VG247:It was confirmed yesterday that Hawaii will be in the game as well. Need4SpeedX asks if any more islands will be added as DLC.
Alain Jarniou:It’s something that’s possible. Honestly, it’s a huge work to make a new island, so we will see what the community . If people like Test Drive and plays, and we have a lot of feedback saying people want a new island, that’s definitely possible.
Alain Jarniou:这件事是可能的,老实说,制作一个岛屿是巨大的工作,因此,我们将会在社区里看看论坛信息,如果人们喜欢试驾和比赛和许多人们反馈需要新的岛屿,那么这是绝对可能的
VG247:Another question from a reader. This one’s from Ruckus. He says the first TDU had bikes, so he’s asking if there’s going to be bikes in the sequel.
Alain Jarniou: Yeah, there will be bikes in TDU2, but not for the day one version. As we said in the demo yesterday, we completely remade the car handling, because we were not 100 percent pleased with the first one. We have many, many questions about the fact that it’s not arcade or not a simulation. So we decided to start from thebeginning, and we now have a new handling for the cars, and we want to, of course, for the bikes. We need some time to make it.
Alain Jarniou:是的,TDU2会有摩托车,但不会在上市第一天玩到,正如我们在之前的演示,我们正设法重制该作的操控部分,前作中的这部分内容并不令人满意。怎样才能既不全然动作向又不倒向拟真派,尚有很多问题亟待解决。我们要把轿车的操控问题先解决了才能回头对付摩托车,而这需要时间
VG247:G1GAHURTZ asks if wheel support has been improved. He says that when you’re using the 360 wireless racing wheel it’s hard to keep the car in a straight line in the
first game.
Alain Jarniou: Yeah, definitely, yeah. The team is working on it and we have serious people on it. It will be better.
Alain Jarniou:是的,可以肯定的是,是的。该小组正在认真的研究它。它将会变得更好
VG247:He also says you should turn up the sensitivity on the onboard FPS camera.
Alain Jarniou: We’ve done a retake on the cameras, because cameras are very important for the handling feeling and driving experience. So yes, we’ve retuned that.
Alain Jarniou:我们重新做了相机,因为驾驶的体验过程中,相机是非常重要的,因此,我们重新做了调效
VG247:The first one’s from lindblum_resident. Is the game’s soundtrack going to be influenced by location? For instance, will Ibiza have dance music?
Alain Jarniou: Yeah, exactly. We have a radio station called Ariba on Ibiza, and on Hawaii it’s called Kaluha Radio. So yes, we have something that’s more Hawaiian, and Hawaiian’s more American. On Ibiza it’s more like techno, dance music.
Alain Jarniou:是的,没错,我们将有一个无线呼叫电台公司安置在伊维萨岛和夏威夷,它被称为Kaluha电台,所以,是的,我们有更多重要的在美国夏威夷,在伊维萨有更多的舞蹈音乐
VG247:I heard REDACTED playing in the background? And REDACTED?
Alain Jarniou: Those tracks are not signed yet. The music is still in negotiations. We have some tracks, but not all the tracks we’re using in there. We’re still waiting for signing.
Alain Jarniou:这些音乐尚未签署,音乐仍在谈判,我们有一些曲目,但并非所有的音乐都在那里使用,我们仍在等待签署
VG247:will there be a demo?
Alain Jarniou: Right now, the plan is to have an open beta of TDU2. The difficulty of having a demo for a game like this is the fact it’s a huge island, and a huge amount of data. It’s not the best way to show the game. So yeah, for now the plan’s an open beta.
Alain Jarniou:若采取发布试玩的形式,则由于开放式岛屿环境导致数据规模过大,(文件规模受限的)试玩无法成为展示游戏的最佳方式,所以我们还是举办beta公测比较好。
VG247:I’m going to ask you for more clarification on the yacht. Truth be told, that came as a bit of a shock to me. I didn’t expect to see a yacht. Can you clarify why that’s in the game? Will you be able to sail around in it?
Alain Jarniou: The yacht is what we imagine is the top-end house in Test Drive. You know that you have to go to the airport to travel between the islands? You can also travel between the
two on your yacht. So yes, it’s another way to change between the islands.
Alain Jarniou:该游艇是我们想象中的试驾在最高级的房子里。你知道你必须到机场来往各岛屿?您还可以往返两游艇上的。所以,是的,它的另一种方式来进行两个岛屿之间来往,并不是岛屿周围行驶
VG247:Any platforms for the beta?
Alain Jarniou: For now it’s more a matter of technical aspects, so I can’t really answer the question. We’ll communicate on this soon.
Alain Jarniou:现在它更多的是技术方面的问题,所以我真的不能回答这个问题。我们将尽快就此事通报。
Alain Jarniou:你只能走出汽车在特定的地方,你不能脱离开车出门,但在联机模式,你可以与其他玩家进行交流,你可以坐在朋友的车里面,观摩他的驾驶,同时还有双人合作模式,一人当驾驶员,另一个当导航员!