这个问题一直都不明白。矮子有铁匠有军人有贵族贱民。但却没听说有种田打猎的,而且还鄙视地上人,真想知道他们靠什么过活的~~~ 吃肉 矮人最喜欢吃猪兔,形容是人间绝品的美味,有的书翻译成豚鼠,说白了就是大耗子一类的东西,他们在地下也只有吃点这东西 魔晶。。。。矮人一大部分收入都靠他。。。 加工魔晶,矮子的专利。 矿产和地上交易,从回霜山上那些矮人对话就可以看出,矮人对地上贸易即需要又鄙视! 学习了~只学2样,这也学,那也学。 卖贵金属,卖装备,给武器附魔用这些来和人类交换粮食等生活必需品
Roasted Nug Stew
Because it's the only meat in Orzammar
Things you'll need: 1 small onion, 3 cloves garlic, mushrooms of any kind you want,1 whole nug (or rabbit if they're in short supply), cut into pieces, 3 sprigs of tarragon, 2 1/2 cups ale, 2 heaping tablespoons of dijon mustard, 1 1/2 cups of chicken stock ( don't know if they have chickens in the Deep Roads. Pay someone to go topside or use Hurlock stock instead), and1/2 cup light cream, butter
How to:Cook onion, garlic medium-soft (about 5-6 minutes). Remove and set aside. Season the meat pieces with salt and pepper. Add butter to the pan and add
your meat pieces. Sear the outside on all sides of each piece until they are nice and golden brown (about 5mins). Remove to a plate for a moment. They抣l be back soon.
Deglaze the bottom of your pan with the ale ?keep heat up to medium and scrape all the bits from the bottom of the pan. After about a minute or so, add your stock, tarragon, and mustard. Stir that.Once that's nice and warm, add in meat, mushrooms, bacon, onions,garlic, etc. ?to the pan. Bring to a boil and then lower to medium/medium-low and simmer, covered for 30 minutes. After that,continue to simmer the dish uncovered for another 20 to 30 minutes. It will cook down to a thicker sauce. Finish by stirring in the cream. 又是不仔细看对话,看CODEX的,,里面有专门介绍了,矮子最主要的就是商业,特别是法师和圣骑都要的那种东东,还特别善于铸造装甲和武器(在D城记得有某人的对话中说过),其中在贫民区不是还有一个送东东到法师塔的任务吗。。 矮人养nug,也就是兔猪,他们的食物来源。同时采集魔晶做成药水卖给各地的法师,因为只有矮人有对魔晶的抵抗力,然后通过地表矮人进行交易。当然矮人还是酿酒者,不过具体是很么东西酿出来的就不清楚了 LZ没看过穿越小说嘛? 其实我觉得矮子如果是重商国家的话,就不可能存在种姓制度。因为商业社会的社会流动性是很大的。种姓制度更多的是存在于农业社会,因为把人都绑在土地上,压抑流动性~~~所以我估计矮子的国家应该鄙视商业,压抑商业才对的,但矮子国家却没有发达的农业,这很奇怪呢~~~~
回复 14# 只猪走天涯 的帖子
他们不是商人,他们是矿工和铁匠想当商人的全被哄到地上去了 LS 说的有理!同上! 豚鼠?我压力比较大 不是吃石头吗?
回复 18# lxycisdi 的帖子