wiki上随手翻了翻, 发现有个剧情就是主角如果兼职血法师, 且温妮存活, 那么法师塔最后一战后, 温妮会向圣堂武士说出她的猜疑,如果主角承认, 就同时与法师会和圣堂武士敌对,但是后面补了句, PC版该剧情有BUG无法触发
如果不能我见W奶就直接杀掉不用带上塔了... 沒遇到過...
血法專精是之後去赤岩解鎖的 血法专精已经解过. 而且可以先赤岩解再法师也可以
这周目在走血法路线, 既然血法公认邪恶, 那就邪恶到底... 楼主自己决定吧
我没试过用血法去和圣Q对过话 补充, wiki上原文如下
Some walkthroughs report that if the Warden is a blood mage and Wynne is in your party, she will report her suspicions to Greagoir after defeating Uldred (this is not the case if you decided to kill her earlier). If the Warden confirms this, he or she is attacked by the remaining templars and mages. Both groups are then no longer available for the final battle. A possible codex entry for Greagoir refers to him being killed by the warden. On PC and Xbox, this event does not occur, regardless of whether the warden sides with the templars or the mages. It will not occur even if you made the deal with the demon in Redcliffe prior to going to the circle tower. This event may have been changed at a late date in development, or possibly a bug prevents it from being triggered. 毕竟法师塔路线还有点长, 还+个FADE.....
想提前搞清楚能触发这个剧情不.. 否则直接杀温奶不用带她逛那么一大圈
有知道的朋友说下,谢谢 UP... LZ达人 额...
LS头像貌似林志玲 剧情这东西,巴不得多长一点..