就是那个和平时警戒,战争时胜利,死亡时奉献英文版 把汉化卸了…… lz想加入吗回复 3# seraphimlove 的帖子
有机会我还真想加入,不过应该不够格回复 4# jywhatwait 的帖子
君不见龙套贼和龙套双手肥仔回复 5# asuszyj 的帖子
好歹他们被邓肯选上了,只是难逃龙套命运最后关头挂了 Join us brothers and sisters.Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.
Join us as we carry the duty that can not be forsworn.
And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
And that one day we shall join you.
回复 7# srxmk2 的帖子
不是这个,不过还是感谢了,哎自己去听吧 不过邓肯太假了,明明那个盗贼达维斯刚刚晕倒在地上就断定他失败死了,而主角也一样是翻白眼晕倒的 那一刀插心窝,凶狠啊...... lz说的大概是loading时的提示语吧 "In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice." <attrib>--Grey Warden motto</attrib> In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice. In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice.siean 发表于 2010/5/13 21:15:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
正解+1,有个CG里的发音很清楚 考4级没背单词过了的飘过
回复 10# hulansheyin 的帖子
邓肯加了那个寻找要害的天赋(具体名字忘记了) 那一刀插心窝,凶狠啊......hulansheyin 发表于 2010/5/13 21:10:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif