Download whichever of the cutscenes packages you want, but only ONE of the main/optional files. You can, however, add on as many of hte miscellaneous files as you want.
Unpack the scene archive(s) you downloaded to My documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/ folder. You shouldn't have to do anything else. To verify that it installed correctly, navigate to My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/packages/core/override/Luchaire/ and you should find a bunch of files there that end in .cub and .cut - if so, you're done, enjoy. If not, you installed it wrong. Try again.
These are packed in .7z format. You will probably need 7-zip to unpack them.
If you are updating from previous versions:
- First navigate to My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/packages/core/override/
- Find the folder named Luchaire
- Delete it, get rid of it, nuke it
- Install fresh version of the mod according to instructions above