火炬之光MOD管理工具:TorchLeech 1.5a
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火炬之光MOD管理工具:TorchLeech 1.5a
旧版本的有朋友发过,详见:http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/showtopic-1050469.html 占楼备用
Torchlight patch 1.16 with mod subscription
April 01, 2010 -- we are proud to announce a cooperation with Runic Games for a monthly mod subscription to support TorchLeech development/service. The upcoming game patch 1.16 will introduce the subscription in form of a serial code number which must be provided (ingame or configured in TLeech 1.6) in order to be able to use any mods. This serial code comes along with several subscription options - $3.00 (Basic - allows up to 15 mods; 3 downloads/day via TLeech) up to $5.00 (Premium - unlimited) per month. Be sure to check out the official website and our homepage again later to get more information about this upcoming feature and its payment methods (PayPal, MasterCard, ELV...). April 01, 2010 -- 楼上正解