http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/12123-1-1270871014.jpgKDS Abominations in Wasteland
After a lot of nagging by people I've finally made this. Abominations roaming the wasteland!
The cloning sequence of Mothership Zeta meant far too many dangerous Abominations, so as a way of removing them they made a mini experiment. What would happen if they set loose a few upon the capital wasteland. The experiment went out of control and now Abominations are integrated with almost all Feral Ghoul groups. Enclave and Brotherhood scientists alike have tried to figure out why the Abominations are "friends" with Feral Ghouls and it would seem that the DNA used to replicate the Abominations came from People from before the war. Most Feral Ghouls are from before the war and may appear like "Family" to the Abominations after they were discarded by their former masters. Beware! These guys are dangerous in packs.
File01: KDS Abominations in the Wasteland - This is for those people who do not have Marts Mutant Mod.
File02: KDS Abominations in the Wasteland for MMM - This is for those people who do have Marts Mutant Mod, add this to Increased or Increased Increased Spawns and you will have yourself much fun indeed!
又一個可以和MMM共用的MOD, 熱鬧熱鬧~
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12123&navtag=file/images.php?id=12123&tab=3 原来是变种外星人,点进来前我还以为是有装备的那些 全是裸奔的~~~ 外星人与野性僵尸人ML的产物。 还以为是拿着先进武器的外星人~~~~~~~~~ 4楼的头像配上说的话简直要多YD有多YD啊 - -! 在下甘拜下风 我还以为是把DLC中的引进废土呢 肚子那么大,是HuaiYun了吧~ 外星人与僵尸共舞~~~~~~~~~~~
不敢恭维啊~~~~~~~~ 外星人与僵尸共舞~~~~~~~~~~~
寂寞lion 发表于 2010-4-28 9:06:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
有可能是200年前来地球的外星人躲在那个角落里的后来受到核辐射成这样了 你们有看介绍吗,这些明显是人变成的