破解网站又再更新了 最新 1907
破解网站地址:http://ac2clearing.whotookspaz.org/最新的DB :1907
支持一个,目前用1906组,目前还未遇到任何问题,暂时先不更新了 不错不错。。 还是在等等`免的更新错误~~存档没了`~游戏进不去等` Currently there are 1913 value pairs with 2 identical A values with 2 or more different B values and 1 identical B values with 2 or more different A values.
Of those conflicting values, 6 have been marked as bad and are NOT included in the trusted values.
Current Total of Values believed to be good: 1907 上面那一段好像是他的说明,召唤英语帝 先支持一下,我想请问一下楼主,我怎么升级offlineserver-v0.31到0.44啊?