貌似官网的那个血迹MOD被删除了。。谁以前下过的,能不能共享下 我刚也没找到.. 貌似你问的是那个Gore吧,3个版本,分轻中重。 貌似你问的是那个Gore吧,3个版本,分轻中重。 貌似你问的是那个Gore吧,3个版本,分轻中重。microfan 发表于 2010-4-4 13:29:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
那你给的是三个中的哪个呢 里面三个都有 dragonagenexus好像确实没有了,不过BWSN上有。更新一个3月27日的最新版,现在四个版本了。
UPDATE March 27th:
added "severe plus" version of the package. Moved the project to "addons" category so the files could be distributed in *.zip format.
There's four versions of this module: mild, moderate, severe and "severe plus". The difference is in amount of blood placed on characters' bodies, see screenshot in gallery for reference. Only one version needs to be installed, pick and download the one which suits your tastes.
Version "severe plus" is identical with the "severe" except for some extra blood splatters on the characters' faces.
unzip the selected archive to folder "../Bioware/DragonAge/packages/core/override" which is typically located in "My Documents" folder.
to uninstall:
delete file "gore_default.dds" from folder "../Bioware/DragonAge/packages/core/override"
notes and known issues:
* the way blood texture is placed on characters is fixed, and the non-random nature is more obvious compared to default version. This is especially true for the "severe plus" version of the package. GJ,谢谢LS,收藏了 这个补丁好是好 就是那血迹好像一陈不变...总是这个位置... 你们确定你们说的不是一代?