紐約重現輻射3 Metropolis New York mod
A Flooded New York themed city still in Wip .....
This ios a temporary file its not a complete mod its just to test ....
This is a very wip so its nothing like a complete mod , its here to make people test it and eventually see around to see if they would like to mod here or set up their mods in this city .....
to reach the place type in consolle cow Metropolis -12 - 7 or go south of Rivet City and use the boat parked around there the one with a cimney with smoke n top ....
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7010&navtag=file/images.php?id=7010&tab=3 我以为在废土的某个地方建造了纽约 是新场景吗。。。还是别的什么东西啊 把房子加高了- - 貌似还没拼接完美
介绍说在Rivent city某处增加了一艘船过去,他说没有完工 哇 哇 哇 ·····还有新MOD 太好了 模型替换的不错 体验了下 但是不完美的说…… 我实在没看明白这是个什么MOD,除了茄子说的房子高了点外 我来翻译一下吧,这是个
新加了一个纽约城的地图,在 Rivet City 的南方坐船去。