Dear yufei58342Following the recent temporary game server outages which may have caused disruption to some Assassin's Creed 2 players on PC only, we would like to reward your patience if you have experienced any problems by offerring you some additional content – previously only available with special editions – see below for details.
Redeem the following code: ACW-7QAF-CRXY-ANMM-N9RY in-game to unlock exclusive content! From the root menu of your game, go to the Extras section, select “Exclusive Content”, then simply input your unique code!
Palazzo Medici
Save Lorenzo de Medici as he is held captured by the templars in his own house, riddled with many secret passages.
Once unlocked, enter the Secret Location from the Ground Floor of the Palazzo Medici in Firenze, go through the Passage on the bottom right to the “courtyard of the mules”.
Santa Maria dei Frari
Explore the Venetian church and perfect your free-running skills by making your way through a risky course.
Once unlocked go to the Santa Maria Dei Frari church in Venezia, then find and enter the secret entrance located in the middle of the bell tower.
Arsenal Shipyard
Enter the shipyard in Venice and kill the guards in a stealthy way without them noticing you. Chase down the guard before he warns the others of your presence.
Once unlocked you can enter the Arsenal Shipyard in Venezia via a manhole outside the Shipyard.
We hope you continue to enjoy Assassin's Creed 2 and your new free content.
Best Regards,
The Ubisoft Team
反正就是送三个本来限定版里的DLC,不知道限定版的给啥安慰 你把你号放出来 ......这 都给了什么
4个游戏在那输入 没找到地方 假的 為什麼我沒有收到......
回复 3# XZF0807 的帖子
烧饼,知道说什么呢吗 哭了,为什么我没有育碧搞什么啊?
凭什么不给我道歉信。。。 我也收到了..
回复 7# wxnkj 的帖子
回复 7# wxnkj 的帖子
没收到的话试试我这个code能不能重复使用回复 6# yufei58342 的帖子
啊?你家世代做烧饼的? 只能用一次的,悲剧了。上次确认帐号的时候没有点邮箱确认,没有东西过来……双重杯具了。
回复 9# wozie 的帖子
不能用啊,说是已经用过了哦,对了。你注册账号的时候那两个钩你打上了吗? 我也没收到啊···杯具,我倒是有勾就都打上了 楼主 我也是正版 我怎么没有收到 ??
回复 15# liuwei7913 的帖子
我也不知道啊。。难道是我买的早。。。。。。。。。。。? 我怎么也没有收到?我也是正版 lz是不是真正的正版,不是60元党?回复 18# BloodMoon 的帖子
楼主是什么时候注册的账号?回复 18# BloodMoon 的帖子
恩,是275元的钢板回复 19# wxnkj 的帖子
貌似是3月8,9号 恩 没什么姐回复 21# yufei58342 的帖子
我是13号收到,然后注册账号的。。。难道育碧只针对早期注册账号的 能解释下说的是什么吗? 我只收到了UBI的感谢信~~ LZ是正版软件的受害者啊 擦……我也是正版,怎么我没收到……
回复 24# 382527942 的帖子
就说由于前段时间服务器不稳定导致玩家游戏体验受损,特发来补偿:三个DLC秘密地图,可在游戏根目录处解锁。 不错。。。 我也没收到,杯具,莫非和注册时间有关