http://tech2.in.com/india/news/games/splinter-cell-conviction-pc-delayed/115552/0Splinter Cell Conviction (PC) Delayed
By: Avinash Bali | Mar 20, 2010
With the step motherly treatment being doled out to PC gamers since a while now it doesn’t surprise me that Ubisoft have delayed the PC version of Splinter Cell Conviction by two weeks. The release of the Xbox360 version remains unaffected (16th April) but the PC version will now be available by the 30th of April 2010.
Of course this only affects you if you were planning on purchasing the PC version of the game that’s plagued by Ubi’s latest DRM which requires users to stay connected to the internet 24/7 to save progress. Not a problem for gamers in the West but I’ll be surprised if Indians can complete the game given the crappy ISPs we have to make do with.
Splinter Cell Conviction PC delayed
Friday 19-Mar-2010 3:13 PM PC gamers will have to wait 2 weeks longer than Xbox
The latest release schedule from Ubisoft shows a slip in the release date for the PC version of Splinter Cell Conviction.
While Xbox 360 gamers will be able to dig into some stealth kill action on April 16, PC gamers will be left wanting for another two weeks until April 30.
PC gamers haven't even been given a Splinter Cell Conviction demo, unlike their 360 friends who've had one since yesterday. We feel your pain guys.
For an up to date list of upcoming releases visit CVG's release schedule.
地址 http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=239755
全都是为了该死的DRM系统 我the F U C K!!!!当初都在石头上刻下10 4 13了,现在又反水。。。只有先看360的视频了 买360吧 悲剧啊 等得我.. 延期吧 习惯了 哎 嘛,多等半个月,还算能接受,希望有神作潜质~ 哇塞 又跳票了该不会该 希望不会再延.......... 汗死UBI啊 估计明年4月能玩上 好期待这款游戏啊! 我是来看二楼头像