Bug Fixes and ImprovementsPrivate games have been replaced with Friends Only games. This means that you can mark a game as "Friends Only" and it will only be seen in your friends' "Friends" tab
The game browser has two new filters: Show Passworded games, and Show All Regions (both off by default)
Added "Test Ping" to the Skirmish menu, which will simulate in game traffic volume (based on number of players) for 5 seconds. This will help players find problematic network connections before getting into a game
Color coding on pings in skirmish lobby. When a ping is greater than 400 it will be yellow, and when greater than 500 it will be red
Games list in the games browser can now be sorted on each column
Cybran and Illuminate air factory veterancy fix: factories now calculate veterancy rate correctly
Fix to ACU not firing after activating its reclaim beam, while issuing a move order
ACUs can now be attacked while under water
Air units are no longer damaged if they fly over an activated Magnetron
Balance and Tuning
UEF P-Shield shield Health increased by 25%
Universal Colossus can now also be unlocked by researching the Urchinow
Overcharge cooldown increased to 35 seconds. Was 25
Transport build costs increased by 50%. Reduced Health to 4000. Was 4500
Darkenoid primary beam weapon Damage increased by 50%
Cybran Air Radar, Cybran Air Vision, Illuminate Land Vision, UEF Air Vision, UEF Land Radar, UEF Naval Radar and UEF Naval Sonar research all reduced by 1 Research Point
Illuminate ACU Radar boost increased to +175%. Was +100%
UEF ACU Radar and Vision boosts increased to +150%. Was +100%
UEF Fighter & Bomber shield Health decreased to 175. Was 200
Gunship Speed reduced to 6. Was 8. Shield Health decreased to 150. Was 600. Build Time increased to 27. Was 24
UEF ACU Artillery research cost increased to 6. Was 4. Damage Radius reduced to 5. Was 6
Cybran mobile artillery Movement Speed reduced to 2.8. Was 3.2
Cybran Carrier build cost reduction of 33% added
All factions' ACU AA upgrade Damage increased by 25%
Airnomo cost decreased 10%. Health increased to 13,000. Was 10,000. AA damage increased 50%. Direct Fire damage decreased 50%
Cybran Battleship AA Damage reduced by 40% 空军和谐了! HOLY MFS!
『ACUs can now be attacked while under water』这个会让很多地图的战术战略被改变啊~
『Air units are no longer damaged if they fly over an activated Magnetron』磁铁空中的吸不了,水面对吸不了,这些算啥……
『Cybran Air Radar, Cybran Air Vision, Illuminate Land Vision, UEF Air Vision, UEF Land Radar, UEF Naval Radar and UEF Naval Sonar research all reduced by 1 Research Point』这个竟然和我期待的一样……囧 烂补丁。。。最希望出的是,1.兵种增加补丁。2.地图增加补丁.3.遭遇战存储补丁。4.汉化补丁 啥啊不明白u 烂补丁。。。最希望出的是,1.兵种增加补丁。2.地图增加补丁.3.遭遇战存储补丁。4.汉化补丁
ym19 发表于 2010-3-18 10:21:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif 直接说要资料片补丁算了 1.兵种增加补丁
一定会出吧。 烂补丁。。。最希望出的是,1.兵种增加补丁。2.地图增加补丁.3.遭遇战存储补丁。4.汉化补丁
ym19 发表于 2010-3-18 10:21:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
所说的东西除了储存补丁外似乎都是非官方出的可能性比较大...... 烂补丁。。。最希望出的是,1.兵种增加补丁。2.地图增加补丁.3.遭遇战存储补丁。4.汉化补丁
ym19 发表于 2010-3-18 10:21:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
所说的东西除了储存补丁外似乎都是非官方出的可能性比较大...... 1.兵种增加补丁
liuhui000224 发表于 2010-3-19 2:21:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
其实前两个还是有可能的,CT以前提到过,而且游戏是支持DLC的…… 不过还是看销量及SE 有得下载么这里 没意思, 都是一些小调整 关键是 升级补丁在哪里啊 谁有啊 还有 升级补丁的破解哦