最后的BOSS战结束后,那个Reaper在飞船爆炸前说:你没有胜利什么的,敲击了控制台上的几个按钮后说了最后一句话:Release control,然后显示屏上出现了一个Reaper图像,接着飞船爆炸了。记得在把IFF芯片安装上时,就出现了这个Reaper的图像,然后EDI就中招了。
我觉得应该是EDI早就中了木马之类的招,Reaper说:Release control,其实就是把Reaper的信息释放到EDI了。
Miranda也很可疑,游戏开始部分,Miranda枪杀Wilson时,闪现的Miranda的脸的非常短暂的画面中,Miranda的眼睛是红色发光的,就像Reaper的眼睛。 这个miranda杀wilson的时候的确有悬念,但是红光没注意到。另外那个harbinger是个reaper吗?他也应该是个collector吧~只是腿多些,出现的那个图案好像是harbinger的样子。
另外EDI说过 i enjoy the sight of humans on their knees。虽然它说自己只是说了个双关的玩笑,但还是很可疑 原来如此啊,多谢楼上的指点。 3L正解,它控制的是reaper的身体 如果Miranda红眼可疑..Illusive Man那双诡异的蓝眼岂不更可疑? EDI很萌的……就算黑化了估计也会在Joker的深情呼唤下洗白 红眼的话斜坡自己也会间歇性出现 估计是相机太次,拍出了红眼 我信得过Miranda
xqyxqy 发表于 2010-3-22 11:23:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
最让人想不通的是Miranda把所有人都叫到shuttle上,导致飞船上的人都被Collectors劫走。 不是呀.....
我玩了ME2 多過6次了 上MASS EFFECT WIKI 就是我的習慣....
WIKI的文章: "EDI theorised that the Reapers tried to use Protheans to create a Prothean-Reaper, but failed. Shepard eventually destroys the Human-Reaper and proceeds to set a countdown which would destroy the Collectors on the base. As the Collector General perishes, Harbinger "released control", revealing that a Reaper was controlling the Collectors all along. " Harbinger 說的 released control 是 Collector general!! 和EDI沒關......released control 之後 Collector general 的眼就沒光了."
"After Shepard destroyed the incomplete hybrid, Harbinger appeared to release his control over the Collector General, whose eyes lost their glow for the first time, suggesting that he was always under Harbinger's control. In the final seconds after being released, the Collector General appeared to be confused or dismayed at being abandoned suggesting some level of intelligence and emotional capability remained." Collector general 不是100% loyalty to Reapers 的 ! 不是呀.....
我玩了ME2 多過6次了 上MASS EFFECT WIKI 就是我的習慣....
WIKI的文章: "EDI theorised that the Reapers tried to use Protheans to create a Prothean-Reaper, but failed. Shepard eventually destroys the Human-Reaper and proceeds to set a countdown which would destroy the Collectors on the base. As the Collector General perishes, Harbinger "released control", revealing that a Reaper was controlling the Collectors all along. " Harbinger 說的 released control 是 Collector general!! 和EDI沒關......released control 之後 Collector general 的眼就沒光了."
"After Shepard destroyed the incomplete hybrid, Harbinger appeared to release his control over the Collector General, whose eyes lost their glow for the first time, suggesting that he was always under Harbinger's control. In the final seconds after being released, the Collector General appeared to be confused or dismayed at being abandoned suggesting some level of intelligence and emotional capability remained." Collector general 不是100% loyalty to Reapers 的 !