【龙腾世纪:觉醒】 提升等级上限至35级,可继承存档
DA觉醒新闻,英文好的先看看,英文不好的等译文 = =http://cache-01.gawkerassets.com/assets/kotaku.com/img/logo.pngDragon Age: Awakening Raises Level Cap To 35, Boosts Lesser
By Stephen Totilo
You can be more powerful in next week's expansion to Dragon Age: Origins.
I got a quick demo of Dragon Age: Awakening, today, just enough to get a basic feel for the first major expansion to BioWare's celebrated 2009 role-playing game. Awakening takes players to a new land where they will be Grey Warden with authority over the city of Amaranthine and the castle Vigil's Keep. Your key problem will be the appearance of Darkspawn who talk, evidence of a new enemy threatening the Dragon Age world. Your key asset will be the game's raised level cap. Dragon Age: Origins capped players at Level 20 characters. Awakening allows players to rise to Level 35.
A member of BioWare's quality assurance team offered a couple more numbers regarding Awakening: 62 new talents, about 50 new abilities. But he refrained from offering another number gamers might want to know about: Hours needed to complete this $40 expansion. Player times varied so much with the promised 80-hour Dragon Age: Origins, the BioWare developer said, that it doesn't make sense to offer a figure. Some Origins players blazed through the game in 30 hours, others needed 120.
Whichever kind of player of Origins you were, you'll be able to play Awakening. The expansion requires a copy of the original game but does not require a high-level character. Players can start with a brand-new character or bring over their Origins hero. If their imported character is low-level, they will be raised to level 18 and offered points to spec their character. If they are higher than level 18, they will be play as is. Players who have maxed their character already need not worry about missing any of Awakening's new powers and abilities. Awakening offers in-game items, books, that allow a character to be re-specced.
Players of Origins will see some of their moral choices referenced in Awakening, I was told. We didn't have time to dig into that.
I played too little of Awakening to say anything about its quests. I was told that BioWare recognized that mages seemed overpowered in Origins and have raised the capabilities of other fighter classes in the expansion. Performance of the console versions may be improved, in terms of frame-rate, but again, the BioWare developer wasn't able to get into specifics.
Awakening will be out next week, on disc for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, also as a download for the PS3. 不錯呢 50種新能力 @@ 還有重起源之後故事在Amaranthine大陸開始 可以繼成年人物存檔 以及新物品 新能力 新咒語 感覺都很吸引人@@ 起源中的選項分支也會影響覺醒 ~ 不過怎麼沒有對強敵"Architect"多做介紹呢~? 楼上的你看懂了,帮忙翻译下嘛,我就只认得A,b,c这些字合一起怎么读啊?
哇,楼上的真是好人一个,可惜没大红花奖给你哇!! 出了也要滯留一段時間...因爲我等英文白遲遲不忍通關... 悲剧~重装了系统,存档也没了~ 先通关一遍,再玩mod。等待资料片。。。 哈哈 但愿能破解好 就不一句一句翻了,主要内容有:
其他的基本都是废话,由于这个并非官方前瞻,我猜测是媒体方面的人写的,大家随便看看就算了,毕竟马上可以亲自感受资料片了,提前预祝大家玩得开心! 这家伙还说DAO上限20呢……不知道出的时候能不能第一时间玩上 难道非要通关的存档才能继承啊?完了 起源中法师的确OP,血法师系的几个技能更是足以扭转战局。。 牛!!!这下有玩头了!!!!!!!!!! 所有法术都能练了 郁闷了人物被我玩死了。。。。 顶起!~~明天马上就到~! 不会要装原版吧, 还要等两天,美国那边还有1天时差 中文悲剧。。。