DAO 1.03补丁发布
Patch details:Various changes have been made to code and resources to support the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening expansion pack. Most of these changes do not affect Origins itself.
Some players were experiencing increasingly long load times. A major cause of this problem has been fixed.
At higher levels, non-player characters now receive a bonus to armor penetration. This mitigates an unintentional imbalance with well-armored high-level characters, since armor penetration previously did not scale as aggressively as armor itself did.
Elite-rank enemies (lieutenants) can no longer be shattered. This preserves the intended tactical design of many combat encounters.
Portraits for summoned creatures (like a ranger's wolf) were displaying improperly while in the party camp. This no longer occurs.
http://files.bioware.com/dragonage/patch/1.03/DragonAge1.03.exe 主要更新了些什么呢??? 恩~ 這次更新不錯修正了讀取速度這點我比較喜歡~* Some players were experiencing increasingly long load times. A major cause of this problem has been fixed
修复了loading的问题 没出破解不敢升纳 英语达人翻一下 怎么不修复cpu占用100%的问题,搞得我现在最后D城任务直接不敢用本子玩了 为了支持DAO:觉醒,内核有了许多改变,大部分改变不会影响起源本身
简单翻译下 用最小镜像强势杀入~~ 用最小镜像强势跟随 loading的问题修正了.
很好. 又可以回去通一遍了~~~ 用小镜像的强力顶上... 不错~ 用最小镜像不用破解码
回复 15# zbboss 的帖子
當然不用破解阿....^^" 就是怕升级一直留着原版ISO在 刚打完补丁不错 读取速度比以前快了些 太好了 這回不用經常重啟了 哈哈哈 最直接最有效的用1.02a破解补丁就o了,骗人是小狗!!!快去爽吧!!! 使用最小镜像的顶起~ 支持小白鼠啊 W奶奶作为治疗表示压力很大 很好,使用看看 这补丁太强了,现在国外都有那个叫崛起的dlc了,可惜国内啊,悲惨!!! 下载下来 在等汉化 我也不敢升了